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Who Establishes a 401(k)?

Employers make the decision to establish a 40(k), but it has to be good enough for employees to want to participate. An employer is responsible for establishing a 401(k) and for overseeing it as the sponsor and fiduciary. A self-employed individual can also establish an Individual 401(k), which has the same contribution limits and requires none of the testing or auditing of a regular plan. Other options for work-site retirement plans are SIMPLE IRAs, SEP IRAs, and various kinds of profit-sharing and deferred compensation arrangements. Continue reading...

What is Publication 15-b on Fringe Benefits?

IRS Link to Publication — Found Here IRS Publication 15-b outlines the different types of fringe benefits available to employees and describes which ones are taxable to the employee and which ones are not. Fringe benefits might include anything from the use of a company car to an employee life insurance policy paid for by the employer. Fringe benefits may be provided to regular employees or independent contractors (1099 employees). Some examples of fringe benefits include tuition reduction, group disability and cafeteria plans, and childcare benefits. Continue reading...

What are the 401(k) Contribution Limits?

The contribution limits of 401(k)s are generally increased year-to-year and published by the IRS. As of 2016, an individual can contribute up to $18,000, or 100% of compensation, into their 401(k) account on a pre-tax basis. This is the employee’s contribution only, and does not include employer contributions. There is a $35,000 window that can hold employer contributions, which may contain matching contributions as well as a profit-sharing component for a total of $53,000 in employee/employer contributions per year. Continue reading...

Who Administers a 401(k)?

A 401(k) plan Administrator will usually be an officer of the Employer sponsoring the plan. A 401(k) plan document will specify who is the Administrator of the plan, but it is generally an executive or officer of the company sponsoring the plan. 401(k)s can be sold in packages that are essentially the same from employer to employer. When the design is well-established, and there are systems in place to enroll employees and maintain the plan, such as an employee website, a company’s CFO or human resources department chair may wear the Administrator hat. Some plans require a special administrator, and this may be a requirement of the broker-dealer acting as Custodian, especially if the plan has been designed from an open architecture, and there are many moving parts. Continue reading...

What is a Matching Contribution?

Employers can contribute to an employee’s 401(k) on a matching basis. Some employers will make additional contributions to your 401(k) based on the amount of your own contributions. Matching can be done on a dollar-for-dollar basis, meaning that for every dollar you contribute to your account, they will add a dollar as well. It can also be done using a factor, such as ½, meaning they will contribute a dollar every time you contribute two. Continue reading...

How Does a 401(k) Work?

You may know that a 401(k) allows you to make payroll-deducted contributions to a retirement account before taxes are taken out, but how does it work? Employees can either become participants in a 401(k) by voluntary enrollment or by automatic enrollment with the ability to opt-out. Contributions go in before taxes are taken out, and this can reduce an individual’s taxable income or even income bracket for the year. Continue reading...

What Is Finance?

Finance, a term often tossed around in discussions about money and investments, is more than just a buzzword; it's a crucial aspect of our daily lives. In this article, we'll delve into what finance truly means, explore its history, and understand its various types and their importance. At its core, finance revolves around the study, management, and utilization of money, investments, and financial instruments. It encompasses a wide spectrum of activities, including handling credit and debt, managing securities, and making investments based on future income streams. Continue reading...

What do we know about W.D. Gann?

Unlock the Secrets of W.D. Gann's Trading Methods! Delve into the life and work of this legendary figure, who used geometry, astrology, and ancient math to predict market movements. Explore Gann's groundbreaking concepts, from angles to support/resistance and astrological insights. Despite controversy, his influence on the financial world remains undeniable. Discover Gann's enduring legacy and his profound impact on market prediction. #WDGann #TradingMethods #FinancialMarkets Continue reading...

Who is Jack Welch, and what is his historical significance?

Unlock the legacy of Jack Welch, a corporate giant. From humble beginnings to "Manager of the Century," his transformative leadership reshaped GE and corporate history. Dive into his impact and controversies in this enlightening exploration. #JackWelch #CorporateLeadership Continue reading...

Who Are the Top 10 Most Renowned Traders in the World's History?

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Top Tech and Service Stocks to Watch

In the ever-evolving landscape of the stock market, investors are always on the lookout for promising opportunities. One sector that has consistently captured the attention of investors is the technology and services sector. Within this sector, there are notable companies that stand out due to their impressive performance and market presence. In this article, we will delve into the theme of technology and services and highlight some of the top stocks that investors should keep an eye on. Continue reading...

What Are the Contribution Limits for my Self-Employed 401(k)?

There is a high possible contribution you can make to your own 401(k), but you still have to pay attention to the limits. As of 2016, you may contribute up to $53,000 annually to your Self-Employed 401(k), plus a $6,000 catch-up contribution if you’re over 50. If your spouse is also on the payroll, you are allowed to have a combined contribution of up to $106,000, or $118,000 if you’re both over 50. Continue reading...

What is a Ponzi Scheme, and what are the key red flags that might indicate an investment is one?

Dive into the shadowy realm of Ponzi schemes, the infamous financial scams that have ensnared countless investors. This comprehensive exploration delves into the mechanics, history, and red flags associated with these deceptive investment strategies. From the tales of Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff to the differences between Ponzi and pyramid schemes, this guide offers a deep understanding of a persistent financial menace. Whether you're a novice investor or a seasoned financial professional, this exploration equips you with the knowledge to navigate the treacherous waters of financial fraud. Arm yourself with insights and stay one step ahead of the swindlers. Continue reading...

Should I Listen to Commentators on Financial News Programs?

It’s easy to become drawn in by the financial media, but it’s important not to let them do your thinking for you. Commentators on the most reputable financial channels will always be sharp-looking, smooth-talking, and quoting a barrage of statistics that makes it seem like you didn’t know anything before you tuned in. Is this an indication of being camera-friendly? Without a doubt. Is it an indication of sound financial advice? Absolutely not. Continue reading...

What is the history and background of Turtle Trading?

Explore the intriguing history of Turtle Trading, a groundbreaking experiment by Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt in 1983. They aimed to teach trading to novices, spawning a group of "turtles" who used Dennis's capital to trade. Discover the selection process and the fundamental rules behind this trend-following strategy. The experiment's immense success proved that trading could be taught, leaving a lasting impact on trading strategies. While not without its challenges, the principles of Turtle Trading remain relevant and influential in the world of finance. Continue reading...

What insights can we gain from the wealth and success of the 10 richest people in the world?

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Should I Buy the Same Companies Warren Buffett is Buying?

Absolutely yes. It would be a lot better if we knew about it at the time he was buying them, though. The only problem is, we only know which companies Warren Buffett bought after the fact, and this news has already been incorporated into the price by the time it becomes known to you (and everybody else). If you want to buy shares of companies that Warren Buffett is buying, purchase shares of Berkshire Hathaway – his investment vehicle. It can also still work to purchase shares of the same companies he does. Continue reading...

What is a short position?

A short position is a sale made by an investor for a security which he or she will deliver to the buyer in the near future, but which he or she is hoping will go down in price in the near future so that a profit can be retained from the price collected in the short sale. A short position is a bearish play on a security which an investor believes will decrease in price in the near future. The investor offers shares for sale, and collects the current market price for the shares from the buyer. Continue reading...

Who is the Most Widely Known Villain of Wall Street?

Throughout the history of the U.S. Stock Market, there have been countless crooks, swindlers, and villains. Money can drive people to cheat, and there have been no shortage of cheaters over the years. Undoubtedly, the biggest hoax in the history of the market is credited to Bernard Madoff, who made off (no pun intended) with over $10 billion of his investors’ money through a massive Ponzi scheme. However, there have been countless other criminal activities, such as the Enron scandal of the early 2000’s. Continue reading...

What is the fundamental definition of Keynesian Economics theory?

Unlock the secrets of Keynesian Economics! 🌍 Dive into its origins during the Great Depression and learn how it challenges traditional economic beliefs. Discover the power of government intervention and fiscal policies in stabilizing economies. Explore the debates and key concepts that shape modern economic thought. 📈 #KeynesianEconomics #EconomicStability Continue reading...