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What Kinds of Social Security Benefits Exist?

Social Security benefits are streams of income available for retired workers, their spouses, children and dependents, and survivors. It provides insurance against longevity, disability, and, to some extent, the death of the primary contributor. Social Security benefits are available to a worker and their dependents if the worker has triggered eligibility, which usually calculated as earning over $5,040 for 10 years, but is modified if the worker dies or is disabled at a young age. Benefits can be paid to multiple people within a household (and an ex-spouse) based on one worker’s contributions to the system, up to a Maximum Family Limit, which is somewhere between 150-180% of a worker’s full benefit amount. Continue reading...

How Does Social Security Work?

Social Security uses mandatory payroll taxes to grow trust funds that are used to pay income to retirees and other qualifying persons. Any surplus that is collected in a given year and not paid out is used to purchase Treasury Bonds, which pay a guaranteed rate of interest to the trusts and allows the government to use this surplus money in the meantime. When you receive your paycheck, you’ll see a deduction for FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act), which is a “combined payroll tax” for both Social Security and Medicare. Continue reading...

Am I Eligible for Social Security Benefits?

Social Security will pay benefits to those who have paid into the system, their beneficiaries in many cases, and also to some disabled individuals who have not paid into the system. In general, Social Security Benefits will only be paid in cases where individuals paid into the system. The exception is Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which is actually paid from the general tax revenue of the government, and not the actual Social Security trust funds, though it is administered by the Social Security Administration. Continue reading...

If I Want to Establish a SIMPLE IRA, Do I Have to Establish One for All Employees of My Business?

In general, the answer is “Yes,” but there are a few exceptions. If you decide to establish a SIMPLE IRA, every eligible employee must be offered a SIMPLE IRA account. An employee is eligible if they have earned $5,000 in compensation during any two previous years, and are expected to earn $5,000 the current year. If an employee is unwilling to participate, the employer must open up a SIMPLE IRA on behalf of the employee. Continue reading...

How Can I Establish a Money Purchase/Profit Sharing Plan?

Like other qualified plans, these need a written plan document and investments to fund. A written plan document must be established and distributed to all employees notifying them of the plan and of all pertinent details, in language they can understand. Plans must be established by December 31 of the year for which contributions will be made, and, since the contributions come from the employer for both of these, the employer has at least 8 months of the following year to meet funding requirements. Continue reading...

What are the most important indicators for successful scalping trading?

Unlock Scalping Success! 📈 Master the art of short-term trading with precision. Explore key indicators for success: Moving Average Ribbon Entry Strategy Relative Strength/Weakness Exit Strategy Multiple Chart Scalping Maximize profits, minimize losses, and conquer the fast-paced world of scalping. 🚀 #ScalpingSuccess #TradingTips Continue reading...

What is the definition of USD (United States Dollar)?

Unlock the secrets of the United States Dollar (USD) - from its intriguing origins as the "greenback" to its global dominance today. Dive into its complex relationship with gold, international significance, and evolving role in the modern economy. Discover the power behind the $1 bill's nicknames and unravel the USD's captivating journey through history and finance. 🌐💰 #USDExplained Continue reading...

What is the U.S. Dollar (USD) and Why Does It Dominate the Global Economy?

The U.S. Dollar (USD) isn't just a currency; it's a symbol of global economic dominance. As the official currency of the United States, the USD has evolved over centuries to become the world's primary reserve currency, influencing global trade, forex markets, and international reserves. From its early days anchored to the gold standard to its modern-day status as a free-floating fiat currency, the journey of the USD is a testament to the economic prowess of the USA. Its stability, global acceptance, and role in oil trade (petrodollars) further amplify its significance. Moreover, with the advent of digital currencies, the USD continues to adapt, as seen with the USDCoin. As we navigate the intricate world of finance, the USD stands tall as a beacon of trust, stability, and strength, shaping the financial destinies of nations and individuals alike. Dive in to unravel the story of the world's most influential currency. Continue reading...

What Is USD/JPY (U.S. Dollar/Japanese Yen)?

In the vast world of forex trading, understanding currency pairs is essential for investors looking to navigate the global financial markets. One such key pairing is USD/JPY, representing the exchange rate between the United States dollar and the Japanese yen. In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of USD/JPY, exploring its significance, factors influencing its movements, and correlations with other currencies. USD/JPY, simply put, is the ticker symbol used to denote the currency exchange rate between the U.S. dollar (USD) and the Japanese yen (JPY). Continue reading...

What Is the EUR/USD Currency Pair, and How Can It Shape Your Forex Strategy?

Discover the intricate dance of the EUR/USD currency pair, a symbol of the financial synergy between Europe and the United States. From its historical roots in the Maastricht Treaty to its current state, the 'Fibre' offers a window into global economic dynamics. Beyond just numbers, it reflects central bank policies, reacts to global events, and serves as a barometer for economic health. Whether you're a trader or just curious about global finance, this deep dive into the EUR/USD provides a captivating narrative of the intertwined destinies of two economic powerhouses. Dive in and unravel the story behind the numbers. Continue reading...

What Drives the USD/CAD Currency Pair and How Can Traders Capitalize on It?

Venture into the captivating realm of the USD/CAD forex trading world. This dynamic currency pair, representing the U.S. Dollar and Canadian Dollar, offers traders a unique dance of economic forces, historical shifts, and strategic opportunities. From its historical roots, marked by moments of parity and economic upheavals, to the intricate dance influenced by oil prices and central bank policies, the USD/CAD pair stands as a luminary in the forex market. Whether you're a seasoned trader or a newcomer, the USD/CAD narrative provides a rich tapestry of insights, strategies, and potential rewards. Dive deeper to understand the symphony of factors that shape its movements and learn how to harmonize with trading strategies that can enrich your forex journey. Continue reading...

What is the NZD/USD Currency Pair and Why is it Important?

The NZD/USD currency pair, affectionately known as the "Kiwi," is a significant player in the forex market. This pair reflects the relationship between the New Zealand dollar and the U.S. dollar, influenced by a myriad of factors ranging from agriculture and tourism to global trading dynamics and interest rates. Whether you're a seasoned trader or a newbie, understanding the NZD/USD pair is crucial for making informed decisions. This article offers a deep dive into the intricacies of the NZD/USD relationship, shedding light on the economic and global events that shape its movements. Join us as we unravel the world of the Kiwi. Continue reading...

What Drives the GBP/USD Currency Pair and How Can Traders Navigate Its Dynamics?

The GBP/USD currency pair, affectionately termed the "Cable," is a mesmerizing dance of numbers in the vast forex trading arena. Representing the exchange rate between the British pound and the U.S. dollar, it offers a window into the economic dynamics of two global powerhouses. From its historical oscillations influenced by events like the 2008 financial crisis and the 2016 Brexit referendum, to the intricate interplay of factors like central bank decisions, inflation rates, and geopolitical tremors, the GBP/USD is a testament to the pulse of international commerce. As traders craft strategies, from day trading to news-driven moves, they navigate this fluid market, seeking to harness its volatility. Delve deeper to unravel the captivating story of the GBP/USD, its influential factors, and the art of trading this iconic pair. Continue reading...

What is the Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio and Why is it Important for Investors?

Dive into the captivating world of global finance, starting with the NZD/USD currency pair, a key player in the forex market. Discover the economic and global factors that shape its movements. Then, shift gears to stock valuation, exploring the renowned P/E ratio and its advanced counterpart, the PEG ratio. These metrics offer invaluable insights into a stock's worth and its growth potential. Whether you're a seasoned trader or an aspiring investor, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the NZD/USD dynamics and the tools essential for informed stock investing. Equip yourself with knowledge and navigate the financial markets with confidence. Continue reading...

What is a currency pair?

Currency exchange rates are discussed in terms of currency pairs, where you say how much of a given currency it would take to equal one unit of another currency. The single-unit currency is the “base” currency in the pair, and it appears as the second currency or denominator in the comparison. The base currency is always implied to be 1 unit, so only the value of the other currency in the pair is stated in the exchange rate quote. Continue reading...

What is a currency peg?

The currency pairs you are most familiar with, such as EUR/USD or USD/JPY, are floating currencies, meaning that their value changes freely with market forces. Some countries have chosen to peg their currency to another currency, most commonly the USD. The exchange rate between their currency and the peg currency never changes, unless policy makers tweak things slightly. Currencies can also be pegged to commodities or baskets of other currencies. Pegged currencies are not discussed often in the Forex market because their value is tied directly to the value of another, more liquid floating currency, or to a basket of currencies, or to a commodity. Continue reading...

How Do I Know I’m Getting Credit for the Years I’ve Worked?

Create an online Social Security Account — Here For about a decade from 2000-2010, every worker in America would receive an annual statement in the mail. This fell subject to budget cuts, and today workers are encouraged to go online to view their social security information. Some workers receive mailings every 5 years to remind them if they have not signed up for the online statements. Starting in 1999, the Social Security Administration mailed 4-page annual statements to over 150 million workers. About 500,000 of these were delivered every day, at an annual cost of about $70 million. Budget costs eventually caused the statements to go paperless for a while, and as of 2016, workers who have not registered online will receive a letter every 5 years that contains a statement and information about how to register for the online statements. Continue reading...

What Are the Optimal Times to Trade in the Forex Markets?

Many first-time forex traders hit the market running. They watch various economic calendars and trade voraciously on every release of data, viewing the 24-hours-a-day, five-days-a-week foreign exchange market as a convenient way to trade all day long. Not only can this strategy deplete a trader's reserves quickly, but it can burn out even the most persistent trader. Unlike Wall Street, which runs on regular business hours, the forex market runs on the normal business hours of four different parts of the world and their respective time zones, which means trading lasts all day and night. Continue reading...

Unveiling the Top Stock Picks in the Apparel Industry

The apparel industry stands as a dynamic and ever-evolving sector within the broader landscape of consumer goods. It encompasses a diverse range of companies, from iconic high-end brands to those catering to cost-conscious consumers. In this analysis, we'll delve into the notable companies shaping the apparel market and explore key aspects such as market capitalization and thematic variations. Continue reading...

How to Mine Litecoin and other Altcoins?

It used to be that litecoin mining could only be done by GPU, but now ASIC machines are getting all the glory. For a time, new miners preferred to mine litecoin instead of bitcoin because ASIC miners had rendered old-fashioned GPU mining for Bitcoin unprofitable. During that time, when ASIC machines had not be designed for Litecoin Scrypt mining, anyone with a good enough GPU could profitably mine litecoin with the same computer they used at home, while they were off at work or asleep not using it. If you aren’t aware, GPUs (graphics cards) compute the kinds of functions necessary for mining at many times the speed that CPUs (core processors) alone would. Continue reading...