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What are Envelopes and Trading Bands?

Moving average envelopes and trading bands help traders filter their decisions to trade. These tools set thresholds on the amount of movement above and below a moving average to trigger a decision to trade (or at least prompt further consideration by the trader). A moving average envelope often takes a moving average line for a security or index and duplicates it, moving one line a certain percentage above and one a certain percentage below (the distance may depend on volatility levels). Price fluctuations in a security then might trigger a decision to sell when the price hits the upper band, or a decision buy when the price hits the lower band. If it crosses the bands it might be seen as a new trend. Continue reading...

What is foreign aid?

Wealthy countries and non-government organizations frequently donate or lend resources to help the population of a country in dire economic need. This can come in the form of educational assistance, funds, materials, construction, food, medicine, and so on. On a macroeconomic scale, foreign aid constitutes one of the major forms of asset transfer between different parts of the world. Governments, charitable organizations, and NGOs donate or lend resources to countries that cannot supply their own needs effectively. Aid can be given altruistically, that is, just for the sake of doing good deeds, or it can be used as a tool for influence or personal gain, which is common. Continue reading...

Why do ICOs Matter to Ethereum and Bitcoin?

ICOs can help the market and developers test the waters for new concepts using blockchain technology. When a new idea succeeds or fails after using an ICO, it could be said that the company had made use of every advantage at its disposal and that it had the best chance at success in that environment as it could have had anywhere else. It could have done so more cheaply, and with less interference, than in the “real world,” generally speaking. Continue reading...

Bitcoin’s Source Code, Part 2: What Does It Mean That Bitcoin Is Open-Source?

Open-source software code can be viewed and changed by anyone, but it actually works in the favor of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin’s source code was uploaded by Satoshi Nakamoto to a code-sharing site called Sourceforge, which enabled anyone to download, use, and modify the code as they saw fit. In fact, he encouraged the community to do so. The fascinating thing about the design of Bitcoin and many other open-source software is that they will work, and will continue to exist, without anyone owning the rights to the code. In most people’s concept of ownership and responsibility, the owner is responsible for maintaining something, for protecting it from attacks, manipulation, vandalism, fraud, etc, and is also responsible for making sure that it is safe for other people to use. Continue reading...

What is an FHA Loan?

The Federal Housing Act of 1934 sought to make it easier for Americans to buy homes. It was believed and still is today to an extent that homeownership is a positive foundation for a healthy economy because it provides stability to communities, facilitating healthy family life, community involvement, and the development of businesses in an area where a community will support the business. The Federal Housing Administration runs the FHA loan program with the help of certified lending institutions. FHA loans are a way for lower income earners to be able to purchase a home. Continue reading...

What is a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage?

The main type of reverse mortgage that people get today is the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, backed by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). These reverse mortgages are available to people age 62 or older who are interested in leveraging their home equity to gain liquidity, either in the form of a lump sum, monthly payments, or other arrangement. A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) is a reverse mortgage available to homeowners age 62 or older, insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Continue reading...

What is a Reverse Mortgage?

A reverse mortgage is basically an annuity paid for with home equity. In a reverse mortgage, instead of paying to for your home, you’re getting paid for your home. It is considered a loan, but it does not have to be repaid, except by the proceeds from selling the home. Older Americans who need the income and aren’t concerned about their heirs getting their house might apply for a reverse mortgage. It is also known as a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM). Continue reading...

What is IRS Publication 535, Business Expenses?

IRS Link to Publication — Found Here Businesses can refer to Pub. 535 to get a better grasp on what expenses can help lower their corporate tax bill. Many of the costs required to do business can be deducted or depreciated. The guide addresses employee compensation, inventory, research and development, and much more. Many of the expenses that could fall into the category of “overhead” can be deducted by a business. Continue reading...

4 Steps in Development of Trading Algorithms

Step into the future of swing trading in the financial sector, where AI-driven robots redefine strategy and precision. Dive into a world where algorithmic brilliance meets meticulous risk management, transforming trade execution and profitability. Uncover the edge that AI trading robots bring to your portfolio, offering a glimpse into a new era of financial trading powered by cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights. Continue reading...

Exploring Top Real Estate Development Stocks

The real estate development industry, a sector deeply involved in transforming raw land into various forms of usable property such as commercial spaces, resorts, and multi-family units, has been a cornerstone of economic growth and stability. This industry also extends its reach to agricultural land development, showcasing its versatility. What makes this sector particularly intriguing for investors is its defensive nature. These companies usually own the land they develop, providing a cushion against market volatility. This characteristic often renders them more resilient in bear markets compared to other sectors. Continue reading...

FAQ: In what way does Tickeron develop its Buy/Sell trading signals?

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What is the definition of the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), and how does it relate to its historical development?

Discover the Evolution of SOFR! 📈 From replacing LIBOR to its foundation in real transactions, learn how this benchmark interest rate is shaping the financial world. Explore its historical development and impacts on derivatives and loans. Stay updated in the ever-evolving finance landscape. #SOFR #FinanceEvolution Continue reading...

How to use Bollinger Bands in trading?

Bollinger Bands were developed by famous trader John Bollinger as a technical analysis tool to discern the likely trading range of a security. A Bollinger Band is typically two standard deviations from a moving average line, both above and below the average. Standard deviation is another word for the average volatility of a price over a length of time. It is typical for a trader looking up the historical price chart for a security to compare it to a moving average line. Continue reading...

Top-Rated Swing Trading Robots For This Week: Focus On Downtrend Defense

Explore the power of Tickeron's AI Swing Trader Robot, designed to excel in volatile markets with a 70% success rate. Perfect for traders aiming for high performance with downtrend protection and sophisticated technical analysis. Click to see more about how you can enhance your trading strategy with AI precision. Continue reading...

How can one utilize Bullish Candlestick Patterns for buying stocks?

Candlestick charts, which trace back to the age-old Japanese rice trade, have transitioned seamlessly into contemporary stock price charting. These charts are not only visually more appealing than the conventional bar charts but also make price actions more comprehensible. Especially for technical day traders, these patterns are essential in recognizing trends and making well-informed trading decisions. Continue reading...

How can Bollinger Bands be utilized to assess trends?

Unlock the Power of Bollinger Bands in Financial Markets 📈 Discover how Bollinger Bands offer insights beyond overbought/oversold conditions. From assessing trends to advanced strategies, these bands are a must-have tool for traders. Maximize your trading potential with Bollinger Bands! 💹 #FinancialMarkets #TradingStrategies #BollingerBands Continue reading...

How Do You Make a Paper Bitcoin Wallet?

Because bitcoin wallets and balances are little more than a few lines of code, it is often desired to move the wallet offline into paper form. Generally speaking, it is not a difficult process. The way bitcoin transactions work, funds are sent to a specific address that signifies the wallet of the payee. People can possess multiple wallet addresses, which can be quickly generated at no cost, and this is often preferential for security and privacy reasons. Services such as allow users to generate new wallet addresses and then help users encrypt and print paper versions of the necessary information to keep their bitcoin balances offline for cold storage in physical form. Extensive tutorials on how to do this exist online in forums and videos. Some people like this option because it removes any chance of their wallet being hacked. Continue reading...

What is Insurance and Why is it Essential for Financial Stability?

Unlock the mysteries of insurance in our comprehensive guide. From its foundational principles to the vast array of policies available, we delve deep into how insurance acts as a beacon in the unpredictable world of financial uncertainties. Whether you're safeguarding against medical emergencies, protecting your home, or ensuring your family's future, discover how insurance weaves a safety net around life's most unpredictable moments. Continue reading...

Top Neurological Stocks to Watch

The healthcare sector has always been a breeding ground for innovation, particularly in the realm of neurological and neurodegenerative disorder treatments. This article delves into the most promising stocks in this specialized category, focusing on companies that have made significant strides in developing medicines for these complex conditions. Continue reading...

Top Biopharmaceutical Stocks

In the dynamic and ever-evolving field of biopharmaceuticals, investors are constantly on the lookout for stocks that promise not only growth but also innovation. This sector, known for its cutting-edge research and development in biologic drugs, stands at the forefront of medical advancement. In this article, we delve into some of the most notable companies in the biopharmaceutical theme, focusing on their market capitalizations, growth potentials, and unique contributions to the field. Continue reading...