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Is there such a thing as the “pre-holiday effect?”

Pre-Holiday price fluctuations have been observed in many instances, but there a difference of opinion as to whether the markets are higher or lower just before holiday. Pre-Holiday Seasonality is the idea that prices will rise or fall before a holiday weekend in which the market will be closed for a day. When researching this phenomenon you may find colloquial wisdom stating that prices always rise before a holiday, but in actuality most of the evidence points the opposite direction: prices are most likely to close lower the day or two before a holiday weekend, and may remain low the day after the holiday, but this provides a possible opportunity to ride the upswing. Continue reading...

Is there any truth to saying “sell on Rosh Hashanah, buy on Yom Kippur?”

Since September is historically a lackluster month in the stock market, it can make sense to follow this modern proverb. There is an old saying on Wall Street, which stipulates that you should sell your positions on Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year, which comes usually in September or October), and establish a new position on Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement), which usually comes a week later. Continue reading...

What is an 'expiration date' in reference to option trading?

An ‘expiration date’ refers to the time when an option contract must either be acted upon by the owner (buying or selling the security in question) or left to expire. With derivatives such as options and futures, there will be an expiry, or expiration date in the contract, after which they expire worthlessly. Most options contracts will expire in 3, 6 or 9 months from when they are generated, and they all share the same expiration day of the month on their contracts in the United States, which is the 3rd Friday of the month at 4 PM. Continue reading...

What is a Homeowners Association (HOA)?

A homeowner’s association (HOA) will exist in many planned communities and subdivisions, and the association will usually expect dues to be paid from all residents in a community. They will have a board of directors, usually, who make it their business to help maintain the quality of the neighborhood by making sure common areas are taken care of and that residents are complying with the community rules. A HOA may have rules in place that make a place unpleasant to live in for some people. Continue reading...

What Days Are the U.S. Stock Exchanges Closed?

The U.S. stock exchanges are essential avenues for investors to trade various financial instruments. While these exchanges typically operate from Monday to Friday during normal business hours, they do observe holidays and remain closed on specific days. Understanding the market's closure days is crucial for traders and investors to plan their strategies effectively. Continue reading...

What are the trading hours of the world's major stock exchanges?

Explore the fascinating world of stock exchange trading hours in our latest article! From the NYSE to Tadawul, we unravel the global time zones and holiday quirks affecting your investments. Don't miss these essential insights for informed trading decisions! #StockMarket #TradingHours #Investing Continue reading...

What is Cyber Monday and How Did It Become a Global Phenomenon?

Unravel the story of Cyber Monday, the e-commerce giant that transformed online shopping. Born in 2005, this post-Thanksgiving event has grown exponentially, overshadowing even Black Friday in online sales. From its U.S. origins, Cyber Monday has expanded globally, with countries worldwide embracing the online shopping frenzy. As technology advances and consumer habits shift, Cyber Monday's influence is poised to grow even further. Dive into its history, understand its impact, and get a glimpse of what the future holds for this remarkable shopping event. Whether you're a shopper or a retailer, this is a tale of innovation and global influence you won't want to miss. Continue reading...

What Are Free File Fillable Tax Forms?

Tax season can be a daunting time for many, as the process of gathering documents, filling out forms, and ensuring accuracy in your tax return can be a challenging task. However, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has introduced a helpful tool for taxpayers in the form of Free File Fillable Tax Forms. In this article, we'll explore what these forms are and how they can simplify the tax filing process. Continue reading...

What does after-hours trading entail, and is it open for trading during this period?

Unlock the world of after-hours trading! Explore opportunities beyond standard trading hours from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET. Learn about post-market and premarket trading, benefits, risks, and how to trade with caution. Be prepared for this extended trading period's unique challenges and potential rewards. Continue reading...

What is the Year-over-Year (YOY) Analysis?

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Is there such a thing as a “presidential election cycle” impact on stocks?

Some analysts have popularized the notion that the 4-year presidential election cycle holds secrets to bear and bull markets. Found in publications such as the Stock Traders Almanac, The Presidential Election Cycle is the theory that different phases of the presidential term are correlated to broad market conditions. As will many such theories, it may not hold up under a lot of scrutiny, but there are some correlations to be found. Continue reading...

How Are Fiscal Quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) Defined and Explained?

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What is the Hindenburg omen and is there any merit to it?

The Hindenburg Omen is technical indicator meant to predict bear markets, sell-offs, and declines. It is named after the famous tragedy of the Hindenburg Zeppelin in Germany on May 6th, 1937. The “Omen” identifies several very complex technical patterns in the behavior of the NYSE, such as the number of new highs, new lows, and some other indicators. It claims to predict market crashes within a very short period of time (about 40 days). Continue reading...

What does the term "payroll" refer to, and could you provide a step-by-step explanation of how payroll taxes are calculated?

Unlock the secrets of Payroll and Tax Calculation in our comprehensive guide. Learn about managing payroll efficiently, calculating payroll taxes step by step, and the impact on your business. Dive into the world of payroll management now! #PayrollGuide #TaxCalculation #BusinessFinance Continue reading...

4 Key Pitfalls to Steer Clear to Financial Future

"Navigate the maze of financial myths and master your investment strategy with the power of AI. Learn the truth behind debt consolidation, the impact of news on investments, and the real costs of homeownership. Embrace Tickeron's AI robots for a smarter approach to identifying undervalued stocks, offering you a secure path through the volatile world of finance. Transform your financial future today. Continue reading...

What is a Settlement Date?

The length of time after a trade is executed that the securities are due delivered and the payment is due paid varies for different types of transactions, but the date on which this occurs is the settlement date. Most exchange-traded corporate securities in the United States are required to be settled three days after the trade order is entered, which is called T+3. That date is the settlement date, and is the final date on which the transaction must be finalized by both parties involved. Continue reading...

What does EMEA stand for, and which countries are included in it?

Unveil the Mysteries of EMEA: Europe, Middle East, and Africa Explore the power of the EMEA acronym in international business. Discover its corporate applications, subregions, and its role in financial news reporting. Dive into the challenges and benefits of operating in this diverse and dynamic region. #EMEA #InternationalBusiness Continue reading...

What is the scope of Interactive Brokers' recent expansion of after-hours trading options for U.S. stocks and ETFs?

Unlock New Trading Possibilities with Interactive Brokers' Expanded After-Hours Trading for U.S. Stocks and ETFs. Explore the significance of this move and how it enhances your trading experience in a dynamic financial landscape. Don't miss out on opportunities beyond regular trading hours. #AfterHoursTrading #InteractiveBrokers #Stocks #ETFs Continue reading...

What Is the Eurodollar?

The term "eurodollar" may sound like a reference to the European currency, but in the world of finance, it has an entirely different meaning. Eurodollar refers to U.S. dollar-denominated deposits held at foreign banks or at the overseas branches of American banks. This concept is crucial in the realm of international finance, and this article will delve into what eurodollars are, why they matter, and provide a real-world example. Continue reading...

What is IRS Publication 463 on Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses?

IRS Link to Publication — Found Here Publication 463 discusses common business-related deductions such as travel, entertainment, gift, and vehicle expenses. The guide is meant to explain which expenses are deductible, how to report them, how to prove them, and what to do if you get reimbursed. Business expenses are commonly paid for out-of-pocket by employees and business owners, and many of them are unsure exactly which expenses are tax-deductible. Continue reading...