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What is SIBOR?

SIBOR is the primary interbank loan rate quoted in the Asian markets. SIBOR stands for the Singapore Interbank Offered Rate, and is a regional equivalent of the LIBOR, or London Interbank Offered Rate. It serves as a reference rate and is a composite of the reported rates offered by member banks of the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) for the lending of unsecured funds over several time frames. Continue reading...

What is MSCI?

MSCI Inc. is a company that is best known for its global indices. MSCI also provides research and pricing capabilities to institutional investors. MSCI was formerly a branch of Morgan Stanley, but grew to be so big that they spun off and formed the independent company, MSCI Inc. Perhaps its best known and used index is the MSCI EAFE, which tracks broad performance of Europe, Asia, and the Far East. Continue reading...

What is a currency basket?

Currency baskets are composed of weighted amounts of certain currencies. The most common use of a currency basket is as a benchmark for certain economic analysis, but it can also be used as a unit of account where an international organization has constituents that use various currencies. A basket of currencies is a weighted index of various currencies which serves a specific purpose as a benchmark or as a unit of account. Continue reading...

How to Mine Litecoin and other Altcoins?

It used to be that litecoin mining could only be done by GPU, but now ASIC machines are getting all the glory. For a time, new miners preferred to mine litecoin instead of bitcoin because ASIC miners had rendered old-fashioned GPU mining for Bitcoin unprofitable. During that time, when ASIC machines had not be designed for Litecoin Scrypt mining, anyone with a good enough GPU could profitably mine litecoin with the same computer they used at home, while they were off at work or asleep not using it. If you aren’t aware, GPUs (graphics cards) compute the kinds of functions necessary for mining at many times the speed that CPUs (core processors) alone would. Continue reading...

How Do You Mine Ethereum?

When mining on the Ethereum blockchain, you are rewarded in Ether, but you may need to do some calculations to find out it if will be profitable for you. Ethereum mining can still be done profitably, as of the time of this writing, by individuals on their home computers, as long as they have decent hardware. This is no longer the case for Bitcoin, Litecoin, and a few other coins, due to the development of ASIC (application-specific integrated circuits) mining rigs used by the nascent mining industry, which have rendered home computers obsolete and have begun to present a significant centralization threat on the decentralized blockchain. Continue reading...

How Do You Set Up a Bitcoin Miner?

Setting up a bitcoin miner can be as simple as downloading a mining client program, or as complicated as building a custom rig. Bitcoin mining used to be cheaper and easier to do than it is today, but it can still be relatively simple to execute. In the past, a computer with a CPU could crunch through enough hashes to solve a few blocks and turn a profit. Now, a good GPU, that is, a Graphics Processing Unit card connected to the motherboard of a computer, or a series of GPUs, is par for the course because they can perform many times as many hashes per second than a CPU can alone. This is the case even if the CPU has several cores, and it just has to do with the way that GPUs handle their work. Continue reading...

What is the Difference Between Public and Permissioned Blockchains?

Blockchain technology does not always have to be implemented in a public peer-to-peer system. Blockchains rely on a network of computers, representing nodes, that collaborate and distribute the information required for the blockchain to function. The nodes in some blockchains can be established by any computer willing to run the client software for the network. Bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies are intended to function this way: as a public, open-source, permission-less, and trust less network. The nodes are used indiscriminately by the rest of the network as long as the node is performing the functions required of nodes, and this is called a proof-of-work system.  When Satoshi Nakamoto coded the first blockchain, his intention was to keep the network functioning with only one tier: “one CPU, one vote.”  That vision has encountered obstacles in the form of ASIC mining and other unforeseen circumstances that have empowered some nodes and groups of users over others. Continue reading...

Top Stocks in Asia Expansion

The Asia Expanding Theme offers investors a diverse range of opportunities in the Asian market. This theme encompasses companies from various countries in Asia, including China, South Korea, Indonesia, Japan, India, and the Philippines. Notable companies in this group include NetEase (NTES), (JD), Baidu (BIDU), TAL Education Group (TAL), Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited (MLCO), and LexinFintech Holdings Ltd (LX). In this article, we will delve into the details of this theme and highlight some of the top stocks within it. Continue reading...

Week (July 15 - 19) in Review: Financial Leaders

This week's financial markets saw a sharp divide between surging cryptocurrencies and declining traditional commodities and major indexes. XRP and Bitcoin led the gains, driven by positive regulatory news, while natural gas prices fell due to oversupply concerns. Notable sector movements included strength in financials and energy, and setbacks in technology and materials. Stay informed on the complex and shifting financial landscape. Continue reading...

What is the purpose of exploring stock exchanges?

Unlock the secrets of stock exchanges: where companies meet investors. Learn about NYSE's auction system, Nasdaq's efficiency, and digital platforms like Coinbase. Discover the heart of the financial system. #StockExchanges #Investing Continue reading...

Week (June 17 - 21) in Review: Financial Leaders

This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the financial market dynamics for the week of June 17-21, detailing significant shifts across various sectors. It covers movements in stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, influenced by factors like Federal Reserve statements, geopolitical tensions, and market sentiment. Key insights include performance reviews of specific assets like oil, gold, and different stock ETFs, with a focus on how economic data releases and investor behavior have impacted market trends. Continue reading...

Week (May 13 - 17) in Review: Financial Leaders

Dive into this week's financial highlights! From soaring cryptocurrencies and natural gas prices to the challenges in inverse ETFs and international markets, get all the crucial market insights. Stay ahead with our expert analysis on global economic trends. Continue reading...

What are the trading hours of the world's major stock exchanges?

Explore the fascinating world of stock exchange trading hours in our latest article! From the NYSE to Tadawul, we unravel the global time zones and holiday quirks affecting your investments. Don't miss these essential insights for informed trading decisions! #StockMarket #TradingHours #Investing Continue reading...

What is the definition of the Hang Seng Index (HSI)?

Explore the Hang Seng Index (HSI), Hong Kong's premier equity market benchmark. From its history to structure, understand the HSI's role as a reflection of economic vibrancy and investment trends in one of Asia's financial hubs. A vital guide for investors & market enthusiasts. Continue reading...

Week (May 27 - 31) in Review: Financial Leaders

Navigate a week of market volatility with our in-depth review! From soaring tech ETFs to the dynamic shifts in global stocks, uncover the key trends that shaped the financial landscape from May 27 to May 31. Stay informed and strategize effectively with our comprehensive analysis. Continue reading...

Top Electric Car Supplier Stocks: The Road to the Future

Rev up your investment insights as we journey through the electric avenue of the automotive world. From industry titans to innovative trailblazers, discover the companies driving the electric vehicle revolution. Ready to plug into the future of transportation? Continue reading...

Week (June 3 - 7) in Review: Financial Leaders

Dive into the week of June 3-7, 2024, as we dissect the intertwined forces of global markets. From tech surges and commodity spikes to cryptocurrency resilience, uncover how economic and political events shaped financial dynamics and investor reactions across various sectors. Continue reading...

How Much Money Should I Set Aside for Emergencies?

Research suggests that more than half of adult Americans do not have sufficient savings needed for emergency purposes. Here’s a startling but true piece of information: most surveys conducted in the past few years indicate that more than half of adult Americans do not have any kind of emergency fund at all, and even fewer have enough to cover three months of living expenses in the event of an unexpected event, like job loss or health emergency. Continue reading...

How Does Arbitrage Work and What Is It?

Unlock the secrets of arbitrage, a trading strategy that has intrigued investors for decades. Dive into its mechanisms, explore real-world examples, and discover how savvy traders exploit market discrepancies. Are you ready to navigate the intricate world of arbitrage? Continue reading...

Is Insurance Crucial for Cryptocurrency to Penetrate Mainstream Markets?

Explore the role of insurance in cryptocurrency's journey towards mainstream acceptance. Understand the risks, the need for regulatory approval, and how AI can revolutionize crypto trading. Continue reading...