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What is the MSCI World?

The MSCI World is perhaps the most well regarded index for global stocks. The MSCI World Index is a global cap-weighted index that serves as a good barometer for stock and economic performance of the world as a whole. If you are a global investor, the MSCI World makes for a very useful benchmark for performance. The index is maintained by Morgan Stanley, and has over 1,600 stocks listed in it from all developed markets in the world. It does not include emerging markets or China. Continue reading...

What is MSCI?

MSCI Inc. is a company that is best known for its global indices. MSCI also provides research and pricing capabilities to institutional investors. MSCI was formerly a branch of Morgan Stanley, but grew to be so big that they spun off and formed the independent company, MSCI Inc. Perhaps its best known and used index is the MSCI EAFE, which tracks broad performance of Europe, Asia, and the Far East. Continue reading...

What is the MSCI ACWI Index?

The MSCI ACWI is the “All Country World Index” - providing the broadest measure for global stocks. The MSCI ACWI tracks performance of stocks from all over the world - literally. It includes all markets and gives the broadest picture for how world stocks are performing. Developed markets account for some 75% of total global output, so the MSCI ACWI includes many countries that are not necessarily palatable contributors to world growth. Continue reading...

What is foreign aid?

Wealthy countries and non-government organizations frequently donate or lend resources to help the population of a country in dire economic need. This can come in the form of educational assistance, funds, materials, construction, food, medicine, and so on. On a macroeconomic scale, foreign aid constitutes one of the major forms of asset transfer between different parts of the world. Governments, charitable organizations, and NGOs donate or lend resources to countries that cannot supply their own needs effectively. Aid can be given altruistically, that is, just for the sake of doing good deeds, or it can be used as a tool for influence or personal gain, which is common. Continue reading...

What is a commodity index?

Commodity indexes are also called commodity price indexes, and they are informational services which reflect the price action in a designated commodity or basket of commodities. Indexes are often tracked by mutual funds or ETFs, and these can be confused with the actual index. Indexes are computed and published by market research firms. They can serve as benchmarks against which the performance of a specific asset or an investment portfolio can be compared, or they can serve as the model that index funds seek to emulate. Continue reading...

What is IRS Publication 513, Tax Information for Visitors to the United States?

IRS Link to Reporting Guidelines — Found Here Despite how it sounds, this publication is not meant for tourists to the US, but rather for non-US-citizen workers who might be considered either resident aliens or nonresident aliens, or dual-status if they can be considered both within the same year. Non resident aliens do not have to file a return if they did not earn more than the standard annual deduction amount. This guide is relatively short by IRS Publication standards, at only about 20 pages. Continue reading...

Week (July 22 - 26) in Review: Financial Leaders

The article provides a detailed overview of the financial markets' performance during the week of July 22 - 26, highlighting significant market volatility across major indexes such as QQQ, SPY, DIA, and IWM. It discusses the contrasting performances in sectors and asset classes, including cryptocurrencies and sector-specific ETFs, reflecting investor sentiment and responses to economic data and corporate earnings. The summary emphasizes the importance of staying informed in a volatile market environment. Continue reading...

What is the Shanghai Composite Index?

The “Shanghai” is an index measuring all shares that are traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (China). The Shanghai Index - also referred to as the SSE Composite Index or simply “the Shanghai” - is an index measuring price changes of all A and B shares traded on China’s Shanghai Exchange. Many foreign investors have only limited access to trading shares on China’s main exchange, which makes price discrepancies likely. Continue reading...

What should I compare the performance of my portfolio with?

Benchmark indices are used to gauge the performance of an investment portfolio. In order to evaluate the performance of your portfolio for any given period of time, find the corresponding index for each investment in your portfolio. For example, for US Equities, use the S&P 500 For your Small Cap portion, use the Russell 2000 Index, etc. You can also compute weighted index blends that correspond to your index allocation (e.g., 40% MSCI / 60% S&P). If your manager or the portion of your portfolio significantly (by more than a couple percent) underperforms the corresponding index, be sure to carefully monitor this manager or portion of your portfolio. Continue reading...

Week (July 15 - 19) in Review: Financial Leaders

This week's financial markets saw a sharp divide between surging cryptocurrencies and declining traditional commodities and major indexes. XRP and Bitcoin led the gains, driven by positive regulatory news, while natural gas prices fell due to oversupply concerns. Notable sector movements included strength in financials and energy, and setbacks in technology and materials. Stay informed on the complex and shifting financial landscape. Continue reading...

Analysis of Financial Leaders for the Week of June 24 to June 28: A Comprehensive Review

During the week of June 24 to June 28, financial markets experienced mixed volatility and gains across sectors. Bitcoin Cash rose by 4.81% while Bitcoin fell by 4.23%, showing diverse performance in cryptocurrencies. Additionally, small-cap stocks, certain sectors, and international ETFs displayed varied results, emphasizing the dynamic nature of market movements and the importance of staying updated with financial trends. Continue reading...

Week (March 11 - 14) in Review: Financial Leaders

Dive into this week's vibrant financial market summary, where cryptocurrencies shine with notable gains, while bonds and commodities navigate through turbulence. Witness sectoral shifts with energy on the rise and tech taking a hit. See how consumer trends buoy online retail and global ETFs chart varied economic recoveries. Continue reading...

Week (June 3 - 7) in Review: Financial Leaders

Dive into the week of June 3-7, 2024, as we dissect the intertwined forces of global markets. From tech surges and commodity spikes to cryptocurrency resilience, uncover how economic and political events shaped financial dynamics and investor reactions across various sectors. Continue reading...

Week (May 6 - 10) in Review: Financial Leaders

Explore this week’s dynamic market trends! Uncover insights on notable gains in commodities and cryptocurrencies, the performance of diverse sectors, and international market movements. Get the knowledge you need to navigate the complex investment landscape effectively. Continue reading...

Week (May 27 - 31) in Review: Financial Leaders

Navigate a week of market volatility with our in-depth review! From soaring tech ETFs to the dynamic shifts in global stocks, uncover the key trends that shaped the financial landscape from May 27 to May 31. Stay informed and strategize effectively with our comprehensive analysis. Continue reading...

Weekly Review: Financial Market Leaders from July 1 to July 5

During the week of July 1 to July 5, financial markets experienced a dynamic range of performances. Base metals saw an uptick, while natural gas prices dropped sharply. Major indexes and cryptocurrencies showed significant movements, reflecting broader market trends and investor sentiments. Notable gains in sectors such as technology and commodities contrasted with declines in healthcare and industrials, providing a comprehensive overview of the week's economic landscape. Continue reading...

How Crucial is Sustainability in Today's World?

Sustainability is not a buzzword to be taken lightly. It's a necessary approach, a mindset, and a commitment to ensuring that the world we leave behind is as good as, if not better than, the one we inherited. Embracing sustainability is not just the responsibility of businesses and governments but every individual. Continue reading...

Week (May 13 - 17) in Review: Financial Leaders

Dive into this week's financial highlights! From soaring cryptocurrencies and natural gas prices to the challenges in inverse ETFs and international markets, get all the crucial market insights. Stay ahead with our expert analysis on global economic trends. Continue reading...

Week (July 8 - 12) in Review: Financial Leaders

The week of July 8 to July 12 saw dynamic market movements with cryptocurrencies experiencing substantial gains and inverse ETFs facing significant declines. Financial, real estate, and industrial sectors showed strong performances, while the communications sector lagged. This diverse market activity highlights the varying economic influences and investor sentiments driving current market behavior. Continue reading...

Week (March 25 - 29) in Review: Financial Leaders

Dive into the pulse of the financial markets with a spotlight on cryptocurrency's standout performers, including Litecoin's impressive climb. This week's review unfolds the volatile yet lucrative landscape of digital currencies, alongside a snapshot of global market movements and sector-specific trends. Uncover how Bitcoin Cash leads the charge, the mixed fortunes of commodities and ETFs, and the nuanced shifts across international investments. Continue reading...