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What is the Unemployment Rate?

There are a few ways to measure unemployment, but it is normally interpreted as a percentage of the working-age population that does not have a job. The statistics that are used to determine unemployment rate typically use the number of unemployed people who are actively searching for a job. The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts a monthly poll called the Current Population Survey which goes out to about 50,000 households, and this is a significant source of unemployment data. Continue reading...

What is the fundamental definition of Keynesian Economics theory?

Unlock the secrets of Keynesian Economics! 🌍 Dive into its origins during the Great Depression and learn how it challenges traditional economic beliefs. Discover the power of government intervention and fiscal policies in stabilizing economies. Explore the debates and key concepts that shape modern economic thought. 📈 #KeynesianEconomics #EconomicStability Continue reading...

How does a Multinational Corporation work?

Explore the intricate world of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in this comprehensive guide. Discover how MNCs operate across borders, their economic impact, and the various structures they adopt. From centralized management to controversial aspects, this article is a must-read for anyone interested in international business. Continue reading...

Top Earnings Reports: Micron, FedEx, Nike, Carnival for March 18 - 22

Find the Best Stocks to Invest with Tickeron's Stock Screener Continue reading...

What is Cyber Monday and How Did It Become a Global Phenomenon?

Unravel the story of Cyber Monday, the e-commerce giant that transformed online shopping. Born in 2005, this post-Thanksgiving event has grown exponentially, overshadowing even Black Friday in online sales. From its U.S. origins, Cyber Monday has expanded globally, with countries worldwide embracing the online shopping frenzy. As technology advances and consumer habits shift, Cyber Monday's influence is poised to grow even further. Dive into its history, understand its impact, and get a glimpse of what the future holds for this remarkable shopping event. Whether you're a shopper or a retailer, this is a tale of innovation and global influence you won't want to miss. Continue reading...

How Do I Become a Millionaire?

Even people who only make an average salary (teachers, janitors) can easily become millionaires. Doing so boils down to following a very basic formula: work, save, and invest. Let's look for instance at three different scenarios where a person invests $100/month, $500/month, and $1,000/month (very realistic goals), and let's also assume a reasonable growth rate of 6% per year. For $100/month, it will take you roughly 66 years. For $500/month, it will take you about 40 years, and for $1,000/month, it will take you approximately 30 years. Continue reading...

What Drives a Company to Execute a Reverse Stock Split?

In the world of finance and investment, a reverse stock split is a strategic move that often piques the interest of market watchers, investors, and financial analysts alike. Understanding the mechanics and implications of a reverse stock split provides insight into a company's operational strategies and potential outlook. Continue reading...

What Is the Eurodollar?

The term "eurodollar" may sound like a reference to the European currency, but in the world of finance, it has an entirely different meaning. Eurodollar refers to U.S. dollar-denominated deposits held at foreign banks or at the overseas branches of American banks. This concept is crucial in the realm of international finance, and this article will delve into what eurodollars are, why they matter, and provide a real-world example. Continue reading...

What does it Mean to be "Listed"?

To be “listed” means a stock has been registered and approved for trading on an exchange. The most relevant companies will aim to be listed on a major exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the NASDAQ. Who are Venture Capitalists? Should I Listen to Commentators on Financial News Programs? Continue reading...

Analyzing Bitcoin's Position: Insights from Top 5 Cryptocurrency Funds

Discover how Bitcoin is transitioning towards mass adoption as we delve into its current position in the market. Learn from the strategies of the top five cryptocurrency funds and understand how they're driving this change. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of Bitcoin's potential as a new asset class. Continue reading...

How did Uber evolve over time?

From a chilly Paris night's dilemma to global disruption, discover Uber's transformative journey. Dive deep into its genesis, challenges, and visionary endeavors. Witness how necessity spurred a ride-sharing revolution. 🚖🌍 #UberEvolution #InnovationJourney Continue reading...

Top Workforce Solutions Stocks

Workforce solutions encompass a diverse array of products and services designed to streamline and enhance workplace operations. This sector includes staffing agencies, online workflow solutions, workplace uniform providers, suppliers of protective clothing, and companies specializing in facility services products. In a rapidly evolving job market, workforce solutions are vital for organizations seeking efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and a competitive edge. In this article, we'll delve into the thriving workforce solutions industry and spotlight some of the top stocks to watch. Continue reading...

What Is American Association of Retired Persons?

If you're 50 years old or older, whether you're working or retired, there's an organization dedicated to making your life better and more affordable: the American Association of Retired Persons, better known as AARP. With over 38 million members, AARP is America's leading organization for individuals aged 50 and above. It is a nonprofit, nonpartisan entity committed to empowering older Americans in various aspects of life. Continue reading...

Top Stocks in Beverage Sector

The stock market is an ever-changing landscape, teeming with opportunities for investors who seek growth, stability, or a mix of both. In this realm, the beverage sector stands out as a unique blend of tradition and innovation, offering investors a chance to tap into a market that quenches the world's thirst in more ways than one. This article aims to explore the top stocks in the beverage industry, focusing on both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options. Continue reading...

Top Therapy Stocks

In the dynamic landscape of the stock market, therapy stocks, particularly in the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors, have always garnered significant attention. These companies are at the forefront of medical innovation, striving to discover, develop, manufacture, and deliver groundbreaking therapies for a wide array of diseases and disorders. This sector, a vital component of the broader healthcare industry, is particularly intriguing for investors looking for long-term growth potential, given its focus on developing treatments that could revolutionize healthcare. Continue reading...

What Are the Different Types of Investment Banks?

Investment banks are crucial players in the world of finance, specializing in facilitating complex financial transactions that drive economic growth and development. These institutions are often categorized into three primary types: boutique banks, middle-market banks, and bulge bracket banks, each with distinct characteristics and roles in the financial landscape. In this article, we will explore the differences between these investment bank categories, delving into regional boutiques, elite boutiques, middle-market banks, and bulge bracket banks. Continue reading...

How Does a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Differ in Responsibilities from Other Chief Roles?

Unlock the mysteries behind the CEO's desk! Dive deep into the multifaceted world of Chief Executive Officers, contrasting their pivotal roles with other chief positions. Discover the influence they wield on company performance and where they stand in the corporate hierarchy. Continue reading...

What is Mutual Fund Classification According to Market Capitalization?

One way of classifying mutual funds is by the market capitalizations of the companies they invest in. Mutual funds can invest in stocks and bonds of foreign corporations, or corporations in the biotechnology industry, or with any other objective they may have. But one way to manage it is by size—to capture market exposure for companies of different sizes. The size of a company is defined by the amount of market capitalization it has, which is the number of shares outstanding multiplied by the share price. Some indexes and funds will adjust market cap rankings to give weight to “free float,” which is the amount of market capitalization that is freely trading, and is not held by other companies, governments, or founding families. Continue reading...

Best Crude Oil Stocks: Navigating the Volatile Energy Landscape

Unearth the secrets of the crude oil industry! From industry giants like Exxon Mobil to the intricate dance of geopolitics and technology, discover the vast potential and challenges of the energy sector. Ready to fuel your investment journey in the world of black gold? Continue reading...

What are the top 10 highest stock prices ever recorded in history?

Explore the fascinating world of stock market history with our top 10 highest stock prices ever recorded! From Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway at $445,000 to Lindt & Sprüngli's sweet success, delve into the stories behind these iconic numbers. Witness Next PLC's fashion-forward rise, NVR's housing highs, and Amazon's online dominance. Discover the tech giants Alphabet and Apple, and journey back to the early 1900s with Calumet and Hecla and General Motors. These tales offer insights into market dynamics and business resilience. Continue reading...