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What is an Account Number?

An account number is a serialized identifier which is ascribed to a particular account holder or account at a financial institution, retailer, or other entity. Account numbers may include letters or numbers and may be of various length, but they usually exceed 5 characters. An account number is a way for a company or organization to uniquely identify the accounts associated with each individual customer. Continue reading...

What are the FinCEN Guidelines Surrounding Cryptocurrency?

FinCEN is an agency of the Treasury Department responsible for preventing financial crimes, and they have taken a few steps toward creative effective regulations for cryptocurrency transactions. FinCEN is the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, an office of the Treasury Department, primarily concerned with money laundering and other forms of financial fraud domestically and internationally. It is because of FinCEN’s far=reaching authority that major cryptocurrency exchanges who do business with US citizens will generally require identity and bank account verification, and will impose limits on transaction amounts. In 2013, FinCEN issued guidance that anyone engaged in the transmission or exchange of cryptocurrencies may fall under their jurisdiction to regulate Money Service Businesses (MSBs), meaning you may potentially have to register as a Money Transmitter on the Federal and state level if you frequently engage in cryptocurrency transactions. Continue reading...

What is Homeowners Insurance?

Homeowners insurance covers a variety of risks to a homeowner, including damage to the property and the belongings within it, as well as liability coverage in the event that someone else is injured on the property. It does not include coverage for flood or earthquake damage, so people living in areas where that might be a problem will need to find a separate policy for those coverages. Homeowners insurance is highly advisable for any homeowner, and most mortgage lenders will require it. Continue reading...

Is the Equifax Free Four-Year Credit Monitoring Offer Genuine?

Before you dismiss that email in your inbox with the subject line "Equifax Breach Settlement (Credit Monitoring Instructions and Activation Code)," it's important to pause and reconsider. This email is not a scam; it's a legitimate offer from Equifax as part of the final settlement for the data breach they experienced in 2017, which affected millions of individuals. In this article, we will explain how eligible claimants can benefit from four years of free credit monitoring from Experian IdentityWorks℠ and provide key information to ensure you don't fall victim to potential scams. Continue reading...

What are Some of the Applications of Blockchains?

The overarching theme of blockchains is that they can provide security and asset verification in a decentralized system, which is perhaps the best-known method for preventing fraud. Blockchains are a technological revolution that provides an opportunity to establish strong systems for digital identity. Here are some of the applications and uses for it: A user can authenticate a unique physical item by pairing them with a corresponding digital token. In that sense, these tokens serve to connect the physical and digital worlds. With a token assigned to each physical good, that can revolutionize supply chain management, managing intellectual property to prevent counterfeiting and fraud detection. Continue reading...

What is an Account Hold?

An Account Hold is similar to the term Account Freeze, as both imply that transactions have been suspended for an account. A client’s financial institution might put a hold on his or her account if the individual is suspected of illegal activity, if the account is overdrawn, or if it is requested by a government entity, such as in a lien by the IRS, among other things. This is slightly different than a “freeze” or “moratorium” on the account. In a freeze, all pending transactions will be canceled and no new requests will be honored. Continue reading...

Why Use a Blockchain?

Blockchains create an indisputable digital record that is decentralized, i.e, cannot be changed by a single actor. Using blockchain is generally for digital security. Here are  few reasons to use a blockchain: Tokenization A user can authenticate a unique physical item by pairing them with a corresponding digital token. In that sense, these tokens serve to connect the physical and digital worlds. With a token assigned to each physical good, that can revolutionize supply chain management, managing intellectual property to prevent against counterfeiting, and fraud detection. Continue reading...

What Is PCI Compliance?

Payment card industry (PCI) compliance is a set of standards and regulations established by credit card companies to safeguard credit card transactions within the payments industry. It revolves around the technical and operational requirements that businesses must adhere to in order to secure and protect credit card data transmitted during card processing. These standards are developed and overseen by the PCI Security Standards Council, an organization dedicated to maintaining the security of credit card information. Companies that conform to these standards are considered PCI compliant. Continue reading...

What is Insurance and Why is it Essential for Financial Stability?

Unlock the mysteries of insurance in our comprehensive guide. From its foundational principles to the vast array of policies available, we delve deep into how insurance acts as a beacon in the unpredictable world of financial uncertainties. Whether you're safeguarding against medical emergencies, protecting your home, or ensuring your family's future, discover how insurance weaves a safety net around life's most unpredictable moments. Continue reading...

Why Use Bitcoin?

Do you like security, speed, and low to zero transaction costs when conducting financial transactions? Bitcoin aims to offer all three. Security, speed, and low transaction costs are among bitcoin’s objectives. In a peer-to-peer network, there are no middle-men charging fees for clearing transactions, operating a call center, or maintaining the security of a database. Some types of fraud are much less likely than in traditional systems since the existence of a balance and the validity of transactions are constantly checked and updated by thousands of distributed, independent nodes in the network that do not close based on traditional banking hours. Transactions clear almost immediately instead of waiting on a large market or a Federal bank to balance its books. Continue reading...

What is Account History?

Account history is a term especially useful for investment accounts, where transactions beyond a current month or year’s records are useful for reference. Most people are familiar with the transaction history that is available for the current month, quarter, or year on an individual’s savings, checking, and credit card accounts. These are often called “activity ledgers” or something similar. Account history that reaches further back might be more useful for investment accounts, where the current value of investments, and their cost basis, will depend heavily on account history from potentially years in the past. This sort of query can be made easily with online investment account viewing software from a broker or custodian company. Continue reading...

What Is Fraud?

Fraud is a deceitful act with the explicit purpose of gaining an unlawful advantage or depriving a victim of their rights. It's a term that permeates various facets of our society, and within the realm of finance, fraud takes on many forms. In this article, we'll explore the concept of fraud, its types, and the significant consequences it can unleash. Continue reading...

How Do You Understand Tax Returns: Importance, Retention, and Deductions?

Unlock the mysteries of tax returns! From understanding their pivotal role in financial planning to mastering the art of deductions, dive into a comprehensive guide that demystifies retention periods, the evolving tax landscape, and the invaluable role of tax professionals. Ready to become tax-savvy? Continue reading...

What is Renters Insurance and How Can It Protect Your Belongings?

Renters insurance isn't just another policy; it's a shield for your cherished belongings in a rented space. Whether you're in an apartment, condo, or home, this specialized insurance offers protection against unforeseen damages or losses, from thefts to fires. But it's not just about possessions. Renters insurance also covers additional living expenses if a disaster renders your place uninhabitable. Ever wondered how it contrasts with your landlord's insurance? While the latter focuses on the building's physical structure, renters insurance is all about your personal items and potential liabilities. With options to choose between Replacement Cost Value or Actual Cash Value, you can tailor your coverage to your needs. In a world filled with uncertainties, renters insurance provides peace of mind, ensuring you're prepared for the unexpected. Dive in to grasp the nuances of this essential safety net for renters. Continue reading...

What Is Embezzlement?

Embezzlement is a term that frequently surfaces in discussions about financial crimes, but what exactly does it entail, and how does it occur? This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of embezzlement, shedding light on its definition, mechanisms, legal implications, and prevention strategies. Embezzlement is a form of white-collar crime characterized by the intentional misappropriation of assets entrusted to an individual or entity. In essence, the embezzler gains access to these assets legally and is authorized to possess them but subsequently diverts them for unauthorized purposes. Continue reading...

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

The pseudonymous inventor(s) of bitcoin and blockchain technology, Satoshi Nakamoto, likely walks among us today. Satoshi Nakamoto was the pen-name of the author(s) who anonymously gave the world the design and code for bitcoin and blockchain technology. Penning a white-paper entitled “Bitcoin: a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” the author(s) described the need for a decentralized digital currency and proposed blockchain technology as the way to validate digital transactions with a distributed ledger. Continue reading...

What is the definition of Gap Insurance?

Unlocking the Mystery of Gap Insurance: Your Shield Against Unexpected Vehicle Losses. Learn what Gap Insurance is, how it works, and when it's a must-have. Don't be caught in a financial gap – secure your vehicle financing today! Continue reading...

What Is Arbitrage?

In the world of finance, one concept that has stood the test of time is arbitrage. It's a term that may sound complex, but at its core, it's a straightforward strategy employed by traders to capitalize on differences in asset prices across various markets. In this article, we'll delve into the world of arbitrage, exploring what it is, how it works, and why it's a critical component of efficient financial markets. Continue reading...

What is Adjusted Gross Margin?

Adjusted Gross Margin accounts for the cost of maintaining inventory, which regular Gross Margin does not. Gross margin can be calculated offhand as the selling price of a good minus the price paid for the good (cost of goods sold). This is the simplest calculation for profit. The Adjusted Gross Margin takes into account the cost of maintaining an inventory as well, which is a step in the direction of accounting for the expenses of the business operation as a whole. Continue reading...

Top Specialty Insurance Stocks

Specialty insurance, a niche within the broader insurance industry, caters to unique and specialized needs that often go beyond the coverage provided by standard insurance policies. This sector focuses on safeguarding items and assets that hold exceptional value or require specialized protection. Whether it's insuring a rare collector's item, a high-value residence, recreational vehicles, sailboats, or even unique assets like horses, farms, and fine art collections, specialty insurance providers have carved a niche for themselves. In some instances, specialty insurance complements existing auto, home, and umbrella policies, offering comprehensive protection. Continue reading...