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What is Account History?

Account history is a term especially useful for investment accounts, where transactions beyond a current month or year’s records are useful for reference. Most people are familiar with the transaction history that is available for the current month, quarter, or year on an individual’s savings, checking, and credit card accounts. These are often called “activity ledgers” or something similar. Account history that reaches further back might be more useful for investment accounts, where the current value of investments, and their cost basis, will depend heavily on account history from potentially years in the past. This sort of query can be made easily with online investment account viewing software from a broker or custodian company. Continue reading...

What is a Billing Statement?

Billing Statements are primarily used by credit card companies, listing the transaction history and balance due on a customer account. A billing statement is mailed, physically or electronically, to a customer at the end of a billing cycle, which is usually monthly. The statement will show the balance due and the transaction history, perhaps including recent payments received from the customer. The term “billing statement” is sort of a blend between two distinct documents: a bill and a statement. Continue reading...

What is a foreign transaction fee?

Credit card companies and banks generally charge an additional percentage for all purchases made with a card in a foreign country. If you’re traveling abroad, you may want to find another way to pay. Most credit card companies and bank debit cards will charge an additional percentage on transactions made abroad, to help them pay the cost of clearing the transaction with international institutions. This is sometimes called a currency conversion fee. Continue reading...

How Does Ethereum Mining Work?

Ethereum mining is the process of solving blocks of encrypted blockchain data using a proof-of-work algorithm and occasionally being rewarded with Ether. Blockchain data is validated and added to the distributed ledger by computers on the network performing the task of “mining,” which is continually attempting to solve puzzles, basically, which each unlock a block of encrypted data containing information about transactions, and, on the Ethereum platform, information about distributed application functions and smart contracts. Once a block is unlocked, the data within is shared with the network and added to the distributed ledger. Continue reading...

ETFs vs Mutual Funds -- What's the Difference?

The better choice might be different for each investor. There is no clear-cut answer to this question, since it will depend on an investor’s unique situation and what’s being offered. If you intend to trade actively, ETFs might be a better choice since they have prices that update minute-to-minute during the day and their trades settle more quickly. If you are just buying and holding an index (see ‘index investing’), an ETF will give you the cost effective means for doing so. You may be able to buy into an ETF with lower initial requirements than a mutual fund, since you can buy one share instead of possibly having to meet a $1,000 minimum initial investment requirement for a mutual fund. Continue reading...

What is backtesting?

Analytical financial theories and trading strategies can be “backtested” by applying them to historical data. Backtesting is to simulate what it would have been like to use a certain strategy or indicator in the past. Because markets are more complicated than a simple algorithm, such as an assumed future rate of return, it is preferable and somewhat more dramatic to use actual historical data for testing. There is an abundance of historical market data available to those who would like to use it for backtesting a theory, strategy, or indicator. Continue reading...

How Do I Find the Best Mutual Fund?

It requires a great deal of due diligence, but investors should understand that past performance is not indicative of future performance. Focus on experience. In the stock market, as with most things in life, hindsight is 20/20. There are countless lists on the internet with titles like “The Best Mutual Fund Families” and “50 Winning Mutual Funds.” It is important to understand that the names on those lists are a function of hindsight and not foresight. Continue reading...

What is a leading indicator?

Leading indicators are economic or price data which have some degree of correlation with a movement in the market or a stock price. Leading indicators tend to happen before the market or price movement occurs. Traders and economists use leading indicators frequently to prepare for what’s next; they are based on theory as well as empirical historical evidence but like all indicators, they do not have a 100% accuracy rate – past performance does not guarantee future results. Continue reading...

Where can I find information about hedge funds and their performance?

Not all hedge funds are obligated to disclose their holdings, trades, or performance. About half of them are, however, and their performance can be found online through Morningstar and other sources. This information may not be as detailed as you would like, and you may try other means. Since the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010, more information about hedge funds is available to the public. This does not mean that all the information you seek will be readily available, however, and there are many hedge funds that do not make their information public. Continue reading...

What is a Run Rate?

Run rate is a term that can be applied to a certain type of accounting and management estimation or to the depletion of equity options. The first kind is when a current metric (such as sales revenue for a quarter) is assumed to extend out to the end of the year or accounting period for estimation or valuation purposes. The second kind uses the average dilution from the past three years, generally, to show the effect that convertible securities are having on the share price of a company. Continue reading...

What is a Currency Transaction Report (CTR)?

CTRs (Currency Transaction Reports) are required filings to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to report all transactions and deposits in cash (in any currency) worth over $10,000. This includes multiple transactions that add up to over $10,000. This rule is closely tied to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) rules and reporting requirements which have become more stringent since the turn of the century. Continue reading...

How do Bitcoin Transactions Work?

Two words: blockchain technology. Transactions in bitcoin are encoded, packed into a block of other transactions, and all of these are sent out to thousands of computers running blockchain computations, known as hashes. All of these computers are running similar algorithms designed to force honest work and to take time for the computers to complete. The purpose of this step is merely forcing the blockchain to require time, energy, and effort, and to be randomized and decentralized when it is validating transactions. Whichever computer solves it first receives an incentive reward, and the entire blockchain, comprised of all computers running bitcoin client software, then updates the ledger to include the most recent validated transactions. Continue reading...

What is the history and background of Turtle Trading?

Explore the intriguing history of Turtle Trading, a groundbreaking experiment by Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt in 1983. They aimed to teach trading to novices, spawning a group of "turtles" who used Dennis's capital to trade. Discover the selection process and the fundamental rules behind this trend-following strategy. The experiment's immense success proved that trading could be taught, leaving a lasting impact on trading strategies. While not without its challenges, the principles of Turtle Trading remain relevant and influential in the world of finance. Continue reading...

What are Some of the Biggest Bankruptcies in Recent History?

Before Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns, probably the most well-known and publicized bankruptcy was the infamous Enron scandal. To summarize, Enron executives, fully aware that the company was insolvent, started to sell their stock, while convincing the general public that the stock would continue to rise and the company was prospering (despite actual horrendous losses). As the stock dropped lower and lower, the executives continued to lie to the public, and most people fell into the trap, convinced that the low stock prices were a great opportunity (the stock was going to rebound any day – or so they thought). Continue reading...

What Is Interest and How Does It Impact Financial Transactions?

Interest, often seen as the cost of borrowing, is a cornerstone in the financial world. But what truly lies behind this percentage? From the ancient perceptions of interest to its modern-day complexities, this guide delves deep into the essence of borrowing costs. Discover the dynamic interplay between simple and compound interest, and how they shape financial decisions. Learn about the profound impact of interest rates on the broader economy, from invigorating growth to aligning with fiscal goals. Whether you're borrowing for a home, investing for the future, or simply curious about the numbers on your bank statement, understanding interest is crucial. As we navigate an ever-evolving financial landscape, interest remains at the heart of economic interactions. Equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions in a world where every percentage point matters. Continue reading...

What Is Escrow in Financial Transactions, and Why Is It Essential for Your Security?

Unravel the intricacies of escrow, the financial world's guardian angel. Acting as a neutral third party, escrow ensures that transactions, whether in real estate or online sales, are secure and trustworthy. But how did it come to be? And how does it intertwine with the birth of the Euro and the EUR/USD currency pair? Dive deep into the world of escrow, from its definition to its diverse applications, and understand why it's an indispensable tool in today's global economy. Whether you're a buyer, seller, or just curious, this guide offers a comprehensive look into the safety net of financial transactions. Continue reading...

Who Are the Top 10 Most Renowned Traders in the World's History?

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What Are Brokerage Firms and How Do They Facilitate Financial Transactions?

Brokerage firms are the linchpins of the financial realm, bridging investors with market opportunities. But how do they function, earn, and differ? This guide delves deep into the world of brokerages, from their pivotal roles to the myriad of types catering to diverse investor needs. Whether you're intrigued by the traditional touch of full-service brokerages or the tech-driven efficiency of robo-advisors, this article offers a comprehensive insight. Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the financial seas with confidence, ensuring you align with the right brokerage partner for your investment journey. Continue reading...

What has been the historical performance of IPOs?

Many studies have investigated the benefits of purchasing IPOs, and the results might surprise you. Despite the fact that new issues tend to be priced at a discount from the price that underwriters have decided is a fair valuation, their performance after the initial frenzy tends to be lackluster. While most investors think that IPOs are good investments, this is not exactly true. There are IPOs that have doubled or tripled in price during the first day, and there are IPOs that opened trading below the original IPO price (and anything in between). For short term trading, it can go either way, but if the IPO is a “hot issue,” meaning that there are more indications of interest than there are shares to fill the orders, the average investor will not be able to procure IPO shares anyway. Continue reading...

What is Escrow in Real Estate and How Does It Protect Financial Transactions?

Unlock the intricacies of escrow, a cornerstone in finance and real estate transactions. Originating as a protective mechanism, escrow ensures assets are securely held until specific conditions are met. Whether you're a buyer, seller, or lender, escrow plays a crucial role in safeguarding your interests. From understanding its anatomy to its application in real estate deals, this comprehensive guide sheds light on how escrow functions to protect all parties involved. Dive deep into the world of escrow and discover how it shapes the landscape of secure financial transactions. Continue reading...