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How volatile are commodities?

Commodities are more volatile than most assets. The supply-demand dynamics of commodities are continuously changing, and sometimes very rapidly. Different commodities will have different levels of volatility, of course. Some commodities are extremely volatile. For example, natural gas has had a volatility of almost 45% in some periods, and gold has experienced movements of 20-30% per year lately. Crude oil prices fell some 50% in 2015, as a global supply glut was met with weakening demand, particularly from China. Gold is actually on the less-volatile side of the spectrum for commodities. Silver, Nickel, and crude oil tend to be on the upper end of the spectrum along with exotic metals such as platinum and palladium. Continue reading...

How to use the Relative Strength Index (RSI) in trading

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was developed by J. Welles Wilder Jr. to measure asset momentum using price changes and the speed of those changes. Like stochastics, the RSI is an oscillator that reads between 0 and 100; in this case, the RSI calculation determines the ratio of upward and downward movement using 14 periods of data, then smooths it out so only strong trends approach 0 or 100. Traders traditionally interpret RSI values of 70 or greater as an indicator of an overbought asset, while values 30 or below indicate an asset has been oversold; higher or lower values (like 80 and 20) can be used to minimize the number of bought or sold readings. Continue reading...

What is the commodity selection index?

The Commodity Selection Index (CSI) is a momentum indicator based on the Directional Movement Indicator and the Average True Range. It helps commodities traders find momentum in commodities futures that seem to be the best candidates to make the trader money in the short term, based on volatility and also the cost of holding the position. This momentum indicator uses multiple other indicators for price, volume, and volatility to find short term trends. It may identify situations where a price movement is likely to persist. This is certainly not a guarantee, and even if a trend is strong there are often retracements and unexpected reversals. Continue reading...

How to use the average directional index in trading?

Trend traders can use the Average Directional Index (ADX) technical indicator to spot and confirm the strength of a trend in a security, then combine the ADX reading with other indicators to determine whether it makes sense to trade with the trend. Click here to view the current news with the use of other Technical Indicators Technical Indicators are charting tools that appear as lines on charts, or as other kinds of graphical information, and serve as guidelines for buying and selling opportunities. Traders use technical indicators like the ADX to make predictions about future prices. They verify how well a specific indicator works for a particular security, often by calculating the odds of success under similar market conditions to guide their actions. Continue reading...

Day trading with RSI

Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator developed by Welles Wilder. In the RSI, the average gains and average losses over a specific time period (such as 14 days) are divided to calculate the Relative Strength, then normalized into the Relative Strength Index (RSI), which is range bound between 0 and 100. The RSI typically fluctuates between values of 70 and 30, with higher numbers indicating more momentum. According to this indicator, a security with an RSI over 70 (out of 100) can be considered overbought, while a security with an RSI under 30 (out of 100) can be considered oversold. Continue reading...

How to use the Accumulative Swing Index in trading?

The Accumulative Swing Index (ASI) is a trendline representing the running total of an oscillator called the Swing Index, first described by Webb Wilder in his book, “New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems.” The Swing Index itself compares the price data from the current period and the preceding period to quantify the positive or negative “swing,” which can be understood as a measure of directional velocity in a price. Continue reading...

What Are Silver Futures and How Can Silver Futures Be Used for Hedging Purposes?

Dive into the world of ESG scores, a crucial metric in modern investing. This guide unravels the essence of Environmental, Social, and Governance scores, offering insights into their importance, the agencies that rate them, and how to interpret them. Whether you're an investor aiming for ethical investments or a company striving for sustainability, understanding ESG scores is pivotal. Discover the nuances of these scores, the challenges they present, and the frameworks like GRI that facilitate their reporting. Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the complex landscape of responsible investing. Continue reading...

What is the House Price Index (HPI)?

The House Price Index (HPI) tracks average prices of homes using data from sales and refinancing, tracking the data for the same residential properties over many years. The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) publishes it quarterly and relies on data from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The HPI is an important index for the real estate and mortgage industry, as well as the economy as a whole. It uses information from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac about home sale prices and the refinancing value of homes, tracking the sales and refinancing prices of homes in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac databases, all the way back to 1978. They do this using a weighted repeat-sales method. It is published quarterly by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). Continue reading...

Top Silver Mining Companies for Investment

Unlock the potential of the silver industry! Discover the leading silver mining companies poised to shape the future of this precious metal. From established giants to promising newcomers, get an in-depth analysis of where to invest in 2024. Continue reading...

What is IRS Publication 1244, Employee’s Daily Record of Tips and Report to Employer?

IRS Link to Publication — Found Here This publication contains both Form 4070A – Employee’s Daily Record of Tips, and Form 4070 – Employee’s report of Tips to Employer. It also gives detailed instructions for how to report tips, which generally includes any cash or credit card tips over $20 in a month. Publication 531 gives additional details about reporting tip income. Employees who earn tips over $20 a month must report them on Form 4070. At the end of the year, all tips, even those not reported due to being under $20, are to be reported on the individual’s 1040 for income tax. Continue reading...

What is the Gold-Silver Ratio and Why is it Important?

The gold-silver ratio is more than just a number; it's a powerful tool for precious metal investors. This guide delves into the intricacies of this ratio, from its historical roots to modern trading strategies. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the world of precious metals, understanding the gold-silver ratio can unlock significant profit potential. Dive in to learn how this metric has shaped the precious metals market and how you can leverage it for successful trading. Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the dynamic world of gold and silver investing. Continue reading...

Which Silver Miner ETFs Were Top Performers in Q3 2021?

The silver market has been on a remarkable journey over the past year, outperforming the broader stock market indices. As of June 1, 2021, the Bloomberg Silver Subindex showed a staggering 45.4% increase in silver prices over the previous 12 months, surpassing the S&P 500's total return of 39.7%. This bullish trend in silver has piqued the interest of many investors looking to capitalize on the precious metal's momentum. If you're considering entering the silver market, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) focused on silver miners might be an attractive option. In this article, we will explore three silver miner ETFs to watch for in Q3 2021. Continue reading...

What defines a seller in the context of commerce and trade?

Unravel the complexities of sellers in the vast landscape of commerce, finance, and real estate. From the basic definition to the psychological biases that influence their decisions, this guide offers a comprehensive look into the world of selling. Whether you're an investor, a business owner, or a curious reader, this exploration provides valuable insights into the dynamics of trade and exchange. Discover the strategies employed by sellers, the challenges they face, and the impact they have on the market. Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the intricate web of commerce and make informed decisions. Continue reading...

What Is Bullion?

Bullion refers to gold and silver that is officially recognized as being at least 99.5% pure and is in the form of bars or ingots rather than coins. In the world of finance, the term "bullion" holds a certain mystique, often conjuring images of vaults filled with gleaming gold bars or the grandeur of precious metals. But what exactly is bullion, and why does it captivate the attention of governments, central banks, institutional investors, and individual investors alike? Continue reading...

What is fiat money, and how does it function?

Unlock the secrets of Fiat Money! 🏦 Dive into its history, risks, and significance in modern economies. Discover why trust and government credibility are its foundation, and explore its evolution in the US. 🇺🇸 Advantages, disadvantages, and fascinating examples await. 💰 #FiatMoney #Economy Continue reading...

What Are the Updated Roth and Traditional IRA Contribution Limits?

As we dive into the financial landscape of 2023, it's crucial for investors to stay informed about the latest updates and opportunities in the realm of individual retirement accounts (IRAs). IRAs are a cornerstone of retirement planning for millions of Americans, offering tax advantages that can help you secure a comfortable retirement. In this article, we'll explore the updated Roth and Traditional IRA contribution limits for 2023, as well as key considerations and strategies to optimize your retirement savings. Continue reading...

What Are the IRA Contribution Limits for 2022 and 2023?

The importance of planning for retirement cannot be overstated. Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are a popular choice for individuals looking to secure their financial future. However, to make the most of these accounts, it's crucial to understand the IRA contribution limits for 2022 and 2023 and the associated rules and conditions. For the 2022 tax year, the maximum annual contribution to both Roth and traditional IRAs is $6,000. Continue reading...

How Do You Buy Litecoin?

Similar to other cryptocurrencies, litecoin can be purchased through major cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet apps. Many reputable exchanges exist for buying and trading cryptocurrencies, and several of these will allow you to purchase litecoin with credit cards, wire transfers, and bank deposits.  There may be issues with buying enough litecoins to suit your fancy if you aren’t willing to verify your identity, or if the exchange simply won’t allow you to exchange for a large balance of litecoin in single transactions. One option that may open more doors is to purchase bitcoin first, and then exchange those for litecoin. Many people search for good ways to buy litecoin or Bitcoin with Paypal, but it is probably more trouble than it’s worth. Paypal has a somewhat over-active reversible charge system, which favors some buyers or sellers over others by default and can be used by bad actors to reverse the payment owed to someone transacting business in cryptocurrencies. Continue reading...

What's the Difference Yuan vs. Renminbi?

Chinese currency is a topic of significant interest in today's global economic landscape. It not only reflects the status of one of the world's largest economic powers but is also central to a contentious issue surrounding China – the perception of its mercantilist policies, particularly the alleged manipulation of its currency's value to gain an unfair advantage in international trade, especially against the U.S. dollar. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Chinese currency, explaining the distinctions between the Chinese Yuan (CNY) and the People's Renminbi (RMB) and shedding light on the associated issues. Continue reading...

Does It Still Pay to Invest in Gold?

Gold’s appeal dates back centuries, and investors now have several different options for getting a piece of the royal metal. Does it still live up to the hype? Investors can invest in gold through exchange-traded funds (ETFs), buying stock in gold miners and associated companies, and purchasing a physical product such as coins or bullion. They usually have as many reasons for investing in the precious metal as they do methods to make those investments. Continue reading...