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What is Chapter 12?

Chapter 12 is a category of bankruptcy filing that can be made by a family farmer. It is otherwise similar in structure to Chapter 13 bankruptcy, where the debtor can prove an income and a trustee serves as intermediary between the debtor and the creditors. A family farmer will still be permitted to operate the farm once he has filed Chapter 12 bankruptcy. Like a Chapter 13 filing, the debtor will be allowed to propose a debt repayment schedule that he or she believes would be successful over the following 3-5 years. Some assets would be liquidated to pay off debts, but most of it would be paid according to the repayment schedule, under the care of a trustee who would serve as the proxy for the debtor in the remainder of the dealings with the creditors. Continue reading...

Should I pay for financial planning services?

Any professional that you work with for financial planning is going to be compensated for the work they do, but there are different ways they earn their pay. Whether it’s worth it to you is another question. If you have enough knowledge and time on your hands, and your investment portfolio is not very complicated, you may be able to manage it on your own. This can save you some money on financial advisor fees. Continue reading...

What is a Lifetime Payout Annuity?

Lifetime income annuities provide a guaranteed payout over the life of the annuitant. “Payout” is not a term used officially, but it denotes that the principal amount invested in the annuity is designed to be paid out and depleted over the life expectancy of the annuitant. The payout rate is competitive with other sources of retirement income. Life insurance companies created annuity products as a way to guarantee a client never runs completely out of money. Statistically, according to some surveys, elderly people are more afraid of outliving their money than of nearly anything else. Today medicine can keep people alive longer and longer but not functioning at full capacity, and certainly not able to generate more income in most cases. Continue reading...

Where Do I Buy Life Insurance?

There is no clear-cut answer this question. There are many companies that offer life insurance and countless salespeople and brokers anxious to sell an insurance policy. You should buy your Life Insurance from a company that is reliable, financially stable, and reputable. You can find a policy yourself online or through an agent or advisor. Of course, you must do research and analyze the companies which you are considering very carefully. It is of utmost importance to be sure that your insurance company has policies that suit your needs and are not a scam, especially since this may be some of the most important insurance you can own. Continue reading...

What is the “Life Only” Option on Annuities?

Choosing the “Life Only” option will turn your annuity balance into income that will be paid only to you, and will last only as long as you live. Annuities can be turned into income streams that are guaranteed to either remain the same or to increase based on an inflation-adjustment rider. The payout rate will be determined based on the length of the annuitant’s life expectancy, the amount being converted to income, whether annual increases are part of the contract, and what provisions are made for beneficiaries or joint annuitants. Continue reading...

Top Picks in the Online Streaming Sector

In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital economy, the streaming online sector stands out as a beacon of growth and innovation. This dynamic sector encompasses a broad range of companies, from giants like Netflix to emerging powerhouses in the Chinese market such as Baidu. As we delve into this vibrant industry, it's clear that the companies within it are not just reshaping entertainment but are also at the forefront of technological advancements in content delivery and consumption. Continue reading...

What Were the Causes and Consequences of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression?

The Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression: Causes and Consequences. The decade, known as the "Roaring Twenties," was a period of exuberant economic and social growth within the United States; however, the era came to a dramatic and abrupt end in Oct. 1929 when the stock market crashed, paving the way for America's Great Depression of the 1930s. Continue reading...

Top 5 Robots Trading Strategies Long Only with Inverse ETF Hedging

Learn how to enhance your trading strategies with AI and Inverse ETFs. This article explores best practices for trading market indices, understanding patterns, making predictions, and hedging against downturns using advanced valuation models. Discover Tickeron's innovative approach to risk management with AI-driven insights. Continue reading...

Leveraging AI to Spot Trends: Small-Cap Stocks, Long Positions Only

Discover Tickeron's advanced Trend Trader Long-Only Profitability Models designed for small-cap stocks. Learn how to maximize your trading outcomes using sophisticated profitability analyses and backtesting techniques. Ideal for investors at all levels seeking to enhance their market strategies. Continue reading...

Can I Leave My 401(k) With My Former Employer?

Generally a plan will allow you to leave your assets in there indefinitely, but this is probably not ideal for you. Most custodians will be happy to hold onto your account dollars as long as you’re willing to leave them there. They don’t have to spend any time servicing your account since you can’t make contributions and probably aren’t even able to reallocate your assets, and they will continue to make money on your account with the built-in fees. You may be charged inactive account fees or small account fees as well. Continue reading...

Can I Use Standard Online Wills?

While online will templates may be useful for those with straightforward estate plans, they lack customization and legal guidance. To avoid the risk of creating a contested or unenforceable will, individuals should only use templates from trusted sources and consult an estate planning attorney for complex estate plans, significant assets, or unusual circumstances. Ultimately, a well-crafted will provides peace of mind and security for loved ones, and individuals should take the time to make informed decisions when creating a will. Continue reading...

What are the awards for the best online brokers called?

🏆 Discover the Best Online Brokers of 2020! From Fidelity's comprehensive excellence to TD Ameritrade's beginner-friendly approach, and tastyworks' mastery in options trading, these accolades cover every investor's needs. Explore award-winning platforms and invest with confidence. 💼💹 #OnlineBrokers #InvestingAwards Continue reading...

Top Stocks in Online Retail and Digital Media

In the dynamic world of finance, keeping abreast of the most promising stocks is crucial for investors. This article delves into a select group of companies that are not only reshaping the landscape of online retail but also pioneering in digital media and marketing services. The companies in focus include Netflix, PDD Holdings, Booking Holdings, TJX Companies, PayPal Holdings, Baidu, Trade Desk, eBay, Expedia Group, and Roku. Continue reading...

What are Best Online Brokers and Trading Platforms?

This article provides an in-depth exploration of the best online brokerage accounts and trading platforms in 2023, offering low costs, exceptional trading experiences, cutting-edge mobile apps, and more. Let's delve into the details of these top contenders and how they cater to different investor needs. Fidelity Investments: The All-Rounder Fidelity Investments stands as a beacon of excellence, securing its position as the Best Overall, Best Broker for ETFs, and Best Broker for Low Costs. Continue reading...

Top Specialty Insurance Stocks

Specialty insurance, a niche within the broader insurance industry, caters to unique and specialized needs that often go beyond the coverage provided by standard insurance policies. This sector focuses on safeguarding items and assets that hold exceptional value or require specialized protection. Whether it's insuring a rare collector's item, a high-value residence, recreational vehicles, sailboats, or even unique assets like horses, farms, and fine art collections, specialty insurance providers have carved a niche for themselves. In some instances, specialty insurance complements existing auto, home, and umbrella policies, offering comprehensive protection. Continue reading...

FAQ: How come I can only add five Tickers to the Home watchlist?

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What is the history and background of Turtle Trading?

Explore the intriguing history of Turtle Trading, a groundbreaking experiment by Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt in 1983. They aimed to teach trading to novices, spawning a group of "turtles" who used Dennis's capital to trade. Discover the selection process and the fundamental rules behind this trend-following strategy. The experiment's immense success proved that trading could be taught, leaving a lasting impact on trading strategies. While not without its challenges, the principles of Turtle Trading remain relevant and influential in the world of finance. Continue reading...

Where Find the Best Online Stock Trading Classes?

In the realm of stock trading, knowledge and strategy are key factors for success. As more individuals enter the stock market, the demand for comprehensive education in trading is burgeoning. To aid prospective traders in navigating this intricate field, various online stock trading classes have emerged, providing a range of courses catering to diverse skill levels and interests. Continue reading...

What are market indicators?

Market indicators are quantitative tools for the analysis of market information, which may hint or confirm that a trend or reversal is about to happen (leading indicator) or has begun (lagging indicator). Indicators are technical analysis algorithms which give investors signals that may be used as the guidelines for trading. Indicators might be called oscillators or have various other proper names, since some of them are quite well-known, but there are general conventions or instructions for how to use an indicator, how it can be tweaked to suit the scope of your analysis, and what is considered a trade signal. Continue reading...

FAQ: I only received one Pattern Search Engine notification this week. Is there a problem with my account?

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