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What is Burn Rate?

Burn rate is a term for negative cash flow, or the rate at which a company burns through capital, especially a startup company. Burn rate is used frequently in the world of startups and venture capital. Using a burn rate, investors can see how much longer operations can be sustained with the capital at hand, and this length of time is called a runway. Startups will normally need at least a few months before they start generating enough revenue to have a positive cash flow. Burn rate is normally expressed as the monthly negative cash flow. Continue reading...

How Does Currency Trading Work in Detail?

Currency trading, commonly referred to as forex or FX, stands as the kingpin of financial markets, with a staggering daily transaction volume surpassing $4 trillion. This eclipses the daily volume on prestigious exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), hinting at the vastness and liquidity of the FX market. This article delves into the essence of currency trading, revealing how it operates and why it has become a focal point for investors worldwide. Continue reading...

Forex Trading Schedule: Is Seven-Day Trading Feasible?

The foreign exchange (forex) market is the lifeblood of global trade, serving as the pivotal arena for the exchange of currencies by a multitude of market participants, including banks, commercial companies, central banks, investment management firms, hedge funds, retail forex brokers, and individual traders. Understanding forex market hours is crucial for investors looking to optimize their trading strategies. But the question that puzzles many newcomers is: "Can you trade forex 7 days a week?" Let's dive into the mechanics of forex market hours to unravel this query. Continue reading...

How Do I Allocate My Assets in Retirement?

How you allocate your assets in retirement depends on your goals and objectives for the assets, and the amount of growth you need to reach them. Your asset allocation also depends on your age and risk tolerance, all of which need to be factored-in each year when allocating your portfolio. The very first step in deciding an asset allocation is to determine your total level of liquid assets, what your desired level of growth and/or income is over long stretches of time, and your tolerance for risk/volatility. Most investors need more growth over time than they think, and often times it results in investors under-allocating to stocks or other risk assets. Continue reading...

What Are the Optimal Times to Trade in the Forex Markets?

Many first-time forex traders hit the market running. They watch various economic calendars and trade voraciously on every release of data, viewing the 24-hours-a-day, five-days-a-week foreign exchange market as a convenient way to trade all day long. Not only can this strategy deplete a trader's reserves quickly, but it can burn out even the most persistent trader. Unlike Wall Street, which runs on regular business hours, the forex market runs on the normal business hours of four different parts of the world and their respective time zones, which means trading lasts all day and night. Continue reading...

Gap Trading: What's the Strategy Behind Playing the Gap?

In the ever-evolving world of financial markets, traders are always on the lookout for opportunities to gain an edge and secure profits. One such strategy that has gained popularity over the years is "Gap Trading." Disruptions in stock patterns, known as gaps, can offer a window for astute traders to capitalize on price differentials. In this article, we will delve into the strategy behind playing the gap and how you can employ it to your advantage. Continue reading...

Top Tech and Service Stocks to Watch

In the ever-evolving landscape of the stock market, investors are always on the lookout for promising opportunities. One sector that has consistently captured the attention of investors is the technology and services sector. Within this sector, there are notable companies that stand out due to their impressive performance and market presence. In this article, we will delve into the theme of technology and services and highlight some of the top stocks that investors should keep an eye on. Continue reading...

What is Fiscal Policy?

Fiscal Policy refers to the tactics used by a central government to influence the nation’s economy, whether by setting tax and/or spending policies. Fiscal policy is related to monetary policy, in that they are both aimed to either boost an economy or temper growth to avoid overheating. A fiscal policy conducive to growth would aim to have low taxes and higher level of spending. When a government invokes “austerity” measures, it means they are trying to cut spending most likely to reel-in budget deficits or overall debt levels. Continue reading...

What Is a Trading Session?

A trading session is a fundamental concept in the world of financial markets. It is the time period when trading occurs within a particular market, and it plays a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of that market. Whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting your journey in the financial world, understanding what a trading session is and how it works is essential for making informed investment decisions. In this article, we will explore the concept of a trading session, its importance, and how it varies across different asset classes and regions. Continue reading...

4 Key Pitfalls to Steer Clear to Financial Future

"Navigate the maze of financial myths and master your investment strategy with the power of AI. Learn the truth behind debt consolidation, the impact of news on investments, and the real costs of homeownership. Embrace Tickeron's AI robots for a smarter approach to identifying undervalued stocks, offering you a secure path through the volatile world of finance. Transform your financial future today. Continue reading...

Who is a commodity trader?

Commodity traders must at least pass the FINRA Series 3 exam, which focuses on the commodities market exclusively. The term “trader” is often used in reference to the people at an investment firm who work on the actual trading desk, sometimes executing trade orders from the front office but also trading for the account of the firm and sometimes giving investment advice. Traders often have a role to seek out and engage in trades that will improve the portfolio of the firm at which they are employed and benefit the clients of the firm. Commodity traders could work for a commodity pool or they could be a commodity specialist at a firm focused on a wider variety of investing. Continue reading...

What is AARP?

One of the largest and most influential groups in the country is the American Association of Retired Persons, or AARP. It is a nonprofit organization whose mission is the improvement of the quality of life for its members. The group is one of the largest entities in the country, and it’s free monthly magazine has a higher circulation than any other publication in the United States. Its membership consists of over 40 million American citizens over the age of 50. Members receive many benefits each year, including many discounts and coupons on food, lodging, travel, and so on, for dues around $20 per person per year. Continue reading...

What is the definition of private placements?

Unlock capital without the IPO hustle! Dive into Private Placements: the direct sale of securities to handpicked investors. Enjoy less red tape, maintain company control & harness financial strength from accredited investors. Discover the key to fueling growth! 📈🔒 #PrivatePlacements Continue reading...

What is the scope of Interactive Brokers' recent expansion of after-hours trading options for U.S. stocks and ETFs?

Unlock New Trading Possibilities with Interactive Brokers' Expanded After-Hours Trading for U.S. Stocks and ETFs. Explore the significance of this move and how it enhances your trading experience in a dynamic financial landscape. Don't miss out on opportunities beyond regular trading hours. #AfterHoursTrading #InteractiveBrokers #Stocks #ETFs Continue reading...

What are the trading hours of the world's major stock exchanges?

Explore the fascinating world of stock exchange trading hours in our latest article! From the NYSE to Tadawul, we unravel the global time zones and holiday quirks affecting your investments. Don't miss these essential insights for informed trading decisions! #StockMarket #TradingHours #Investing Continue reading...

What is the mechanism behind the operation of S&P 500 Futures?

Unlock the secrets of S&P 500 Futures! 📈 Discover how these vital financial instruments work, from E-minis to micro E-minis, and why they matter in today's market. Dive into the mechanics and options to gain clarity in your investment strategy. #SP500 #Investing101 Continue reading...

What does the acronym "TINA" stand for, and how is it defined?

Unlock the world of finance with TINA: "There is no alternative." Dive into its origins, from Herbert Spencer to Thatcher's politics, and discover its influence in investments, including its role during inflation. TINA, more than an acronym – it's a financial phenomenon. #Finance #Investments #TINA Continue reading...

What is the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)?

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is to lenders what FDIC insurance is to savers; it protects lending institutions from mortgage defaults. By protecting lenders, the FHA was begun with the intention to stimulate the housing market. The FHA was established in 1934 in an effort to stimulate the construction and purchase of new homes by offering insurance protection to the institutions (banks and mortgage companies) who make mortgage loans. Continue reading...

Best Pet Stocks To Buy: Navigating the Flourishing Pet Care Industry

Unleash the potential of the booming pet industry! Discover the top pet stocks poised for growth in 2023, from healthcare to daily pet needs. Dive in to fetch the best investment opportunities in this ever-evolving market. Continue reading...

What Is the E-mini S&P 500?

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