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What is backtesting?

Analytical financial theories and trading strategies can be “backtested” by applying them to historical data. Backtesting is to simulate what it would have been like to use a certain strategy or indicator in the past. Because markets are more complicated than a simple algorithm, such as an assumed future rate of return, it is preferable and somewhat more dramatic to use actual historical data for testing. There is an abundance of historical market data available to those who would like to use it for backtesting a theory, strategy, or indicator. Continue reading...

Understanding Backtesting in Trading Strategies

Discover the power of backtesting in trading: This in-depth guide dives into how historical market data is essential for evaluating trading strategies. Learn about the critical role of high-quality data and advanced techniques like scenario analysis and paper trading to enhance strategy performance and reliability. Continue reading...

Backtesting: Trade Ideas with Odds of Success

On Tickeron’s homepage, you will see a news feed just like you would see on Facebook. However, even if you aren’t a subscriber to Tickeron yet, you can use and customize the newsfeed (to a degree). There are several more options for customizing the newsfeed and gaining greater access to information and insights for subscribers. Non-subscribers can filter the news based on asset classes/securities such as stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, and Forex: Continue reading...

FAQ: What is backtesting or odds of success?

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What is the significance of backtesting when it comes to trading strategies?

Trading with Backtesting Discover the power of backtesting in trading strategies. Explore how historical data analysis, key metrics, and software tools can elevate your trading game. Follow our 10 essential rules for effective backtesting. Learn from the past to thrive in the ever-evolving world of trading. #TradingStrategies #Backtesting #FinancialMarkets Continue reading...

Breakthrough in Swing Trading: Strategies, Backtesting, and AI-Powered Robots

Explore the benefits of swing trading and how AI can enhance your strategy. This article delves into the flexible trading strategy of swing trading, which capitalizes on short- to medium-term market movements. Learn how AI-powered trading robots can streamline this process, offering backtested data and risk management tools to improve trading outcomes. Continue reading...

The Art of Price Action Trends: AI Backtests achieve 70% Odds of Success

Unlock the power of AI in predicting stock market trends and learn how to use technical analysis for effective trend trading strategies across various timeframes! Continue reading...

Triangle Stock Patterns: AI Backtests Achieve 67-88% Odds of Success

Discover how AI transforms financial trading with rapid real-time pattern analysis and strategic insights, empowering traders to capitalize on market opportunities like never before! Continue reading...

Unlock the Power of Daily Trade Signals: A Step-by-Step Guide

The easiest way to start trading is Tickeron's Daily Trade Signals with Odds of Success. Scroll down the Daily Trade Signal feed to review each tile separately. One tile is one signal. Signals are based on indicator alerts, price and volume actions, big market cap moves, insider trading information, patterns, trends, etc... This feed only shows trade signals with good odds of success. Signals are calculated overnight for all asset classes and setups. Continue reading...

What Is a Dotcom?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business and technology, certain terms become synonymous with specific eras and phenomena. One such term is "dotcom," which carries with it a legacy of innovation, exuberance, and eventual downfall. In this article, we delve into the world of dotcoms, exploring their definition, historical significance, and iconic company examples. Continue reading...

How can I get started with coding my own stock trading algorithm?

Unlock the potential of algorithmic trading! Learn to code your own stock trading algorithm step by step. Understand the basics, choose the right strategies, backtest for success, and prepare for live execution. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme, but with dedication, you can succeed like AlgoTrading101 students. Continue reading...

AI-Driven Trend Analysis: Emphasizing Mid-Cap Stocks in Long Positions

Discover how Tickeron's Trend Trader Long-Only Profitability Models transform mid-cap stock trading with advanced algorithms and strategic insights, tailored for both novice traders and experienced investors. Continue reading...

AI in Action: Pinpointing Undervalued Stocks in the Energy Industry

Discover Tickeron’s cutting-edge Financial Learning Models (FLMs), offering unparalleled algorithmic trading strategies. With dynamic model adaptation, rigorous backtesting, and a focus on undervalued energy stocks, Tickeron's tools empower traders to excel in any market condition. Explore how AI can revolutionize your trading and investment approach. Continue reading...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Automated Trading Systems?

Unlock the power of automation in your trading journey! Discover the pros: Emotion control, backtesting precision, unwavering discipline, lightning-fast order execution, and diversified strategies. But beware the cons: Mechanical hiccups, constant monitoring, over-optimization pitfalls, and scams. Assess if automation suits your style and goals. Make informed choices for trading success! 📈💼 #TradingAutomation Continue reading...

Academy: Read our Articles and Sign Up for Lessons

Tickeron offers free ebooks to help users learn in-depth information about how to use our products and get tips on how to use certain features to your advantage. Newsletters are a great way to stay in the know. They offer a concise breakdown of the behavior of tagged tickers. To get informed on the latest trends, subscribe to Tickeron newsletters. Under the Academy tab, read up on our free expert blogs to get acquainted with specific tickers and industries, as well as terms, patterns, and trading jargon. Continue reading...

Keywords: Tickeron,

Leveraging AI to Spot Trends: Small-Cap Stocks, Long Positions Only

Discover Tickeron's advanced Trend Trader Long-Only Profitability Models designed for small-cap stocks. Learn how to maximize your trading outcomes using sophisticated profitability analyses and backtesting techniques. Ideal for investors at all levels seeking to enhance their market strategies. Continue reading...

Trader Clubs

Tickeron’s Trader Clubs is a great opportunity to be a part of a community, interact with fellow traders, exchange ideas, and compare your skills. These clubs also help create an audience if you want to monetize your skills in the future. To access from the menu bar, simply click on the marketplace and then select Trader Clubs. Here in Trader’s club, you have two options You can start your own club or join any club that suits your trading or investing plan. Continue reading...

Keywords: stock trading, Tickeron,

Cutting-Edge AI Strategies for Finding Promising Stocks Through Price Action Insights

Discover how Tickeron's innovative Financial Learning Models revolutionize algorithmic trading with AI, offering tailored strategies and dynamic market adaptation for both novice and seasoned investors. Continue reading...

Understanding the Watchlist Exchange on Tickeron

NEEDS AN EXPLANATION? WHAT IS A WATCHLIST or WATCHLIST EXCHANGE To access from the menu bar, simply click on the marketplace and then select watchlist exchange marketplace. The unique feature about this watchlist module is that you have a lot of options you can choose from. The home watchlist is the most popular, allowing you to track everything happening on your home page. The watchlist comes with a tracking feature. Click on the Alert bell to set up alerts and notifications once there are changes according to the setup you made. You can create a watchlist from the different available modules on Tickeron. Click on the watchlist in the menu bar and select the watchlist type you want. Continue reading...

What is a momentum trading system?

Momentum trading usually involves long positions in a security that has been experiencing an uptrend and has a high volume of trading, and dropping positions that have lost momentum. Several systems exist to help take the emotion out of trading and to stick to a theory with rules. Momentum trading is such a system, and it can be automated with help from algorithm. Some indicators that can be used are Rate of Change and Relative Strength Index. Some would identify high momentum as steady price increases bolstered by high trading volume. Continue reading...